Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] would [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The general or ‘ philosophical ’ curriculum that I advocate would be based on a single principle : that the less narrowly a child 's critical faculties are confined within the bounds of a single set of concepts or procedures , the more easily he will be able to adapt to life after school , whether at work or in higher education , and the more free his imagination will become ; these two targets in fact being one and the same .
2 For selective pressures for linguistic ability could easily reverse in ontogeny the order I maintain would be needed in phylogeny .
3 But Mr Hunt told the conference that , instead of phasing the system out over four years , the cross-subsidy from gainers to high-spending areas which lose would be abolished after the first year .
4 It was typical of her that , although she regarded Hank as a child , she did not ask who would be supervising the group she imagined would be travelling to New York .
5 His Irish wife , Aylish O'Flaherty , ran off with their son , whom she feared would be raised as a heretic ; this was enough , by the statutes of the time , to have the marriage dissolved and the boy dispossessed ; but he distinguished himself in the Civil War , raising a troop of horse for the royalists , while the castle was occupied by Cromwellian troops .
6 The insanity claim she hoped would be endorsed by the fact that she had spent several brief periods in mental institutions in Wells and Gloucester .
7 We were all soaking wet and more than ready for the hot baths and good meal we knew would be waiting for us back at Malham Tarn .
8 Mr Kishen prudently praised his royal rival , but he felt her appeal would be limited to Deeg and other rural areas where admiration for the ex-ruling family remains strong .
9 A word gets around the famine is over and after the tragic experience of loosing her family , her three men in her life , her husband and her sons , nobody starts to consider the situation again , she 's alone now in a foreign , a strange land , surely the only sensible thing for her to do would be to return to her own people in Bethlehem , they say news comes through that they 've been a succession of good harvest , well of course there was gon na be good harvest , god had n't forsaken his people , although they had sinned , although they had done what was wrong , he had n't forsaken them , gods not in the business for forsaken people , he 's long suffering , he is faithful , he keeps his covenant from one generation to another that he had n't forgotten the people in Bethlehem and he had sent them through and he had provided good harvests those who had remained in Bethlehem during the famine , they 'd only suffered for a short time , perhaps enough time to bring them to their senses , to bring them back to god , now the suffering was forgotten as they revelled in a plentiful supplying in abundant harvests Naomi on the other hand she knows want now , she 's suffering bereavement , she 's suffering poverty , she 's suffering remorse , there 's nothing for her in Noad , there 's no rest , no joy , no provision , nothing that could meet her needs what a pity she had wasted there those ten wasted those ten years , ten long wasted years in her life now she comes to a decision whatever the cost and there is a cost , she 's gon na have to eat humble pie , how are they gon na receive her when she goes back but she comes to that decision that no matter what it costs her , she will go back to the place that was chosen for her by god , her inheritance of him It always to our cost when we under value our inheritance , do you remember the story of Jacob and Aesop and how Aesop despised his birth right , the inheritance that was his , and Illuminarc and Naomi had done the same , and you and I can do it so easily , leaving , forgetting , not entering in to the inheritance that is ours in Christ , we do it to our own costs , and so she goes through that I 'm gon na go back , I 'm gon na take up my inheritance , I 'm going back home .
10 Like Cobbett , many suffragettes would have said that it was not so much the vote for its own sake that they sought as the improvements in the status and conditions of women which they believe would be achieved as the result of women 's enfranchisement .
11 Critically , on July 27 , 1990 , six days before the invasion , ministers endorsed an export order for machine tool technology they knew would be used in a missile project .
12 Housewives would have the same relationship to the state as public employees , except that the services they render would be allocated to an unchanging unit in an unchanging place — namely , their own families in their own homes .
13 The children they bore would be used in ceremonies . ’
14 The Occasional Conformity and Schism Acts , it is true , were repealed in 1719 ( although there was some division in the party over this ) , but the sacramental test for office-holders remained , and the new Whig leadership developed a strong alliance with the Church establishment , which they ensured would be dominated by Whig clergy .
15 I should like to speak longer , because the hon. Member for Islington , South and Finsbury ( Mr. Smith ) spoke about the losses that he envisages would be incurred by the development of the station at King 's Cross , and if I had the time I should love to expand on the economic benefits that could be achieved in employment terms , the environmental benefits that would accrue to the area and the safety benefits that would be brought about by the Fennell provisions in the Bill .
16 He believed , however , that these difficulties would vanish when the ‘ language of books ’ and the ‘ language of men ’ became much more alike — a process which he thought would be hastened by the practice of dictating instead of writing ( Huey , 1908 ) .
17 The sale will be divided into some 400 to 500 catalogued lots which Tajan , after a first visit to the château , said he thought would be estimated at FFr15–20 million ( £1.5–2 million ; $2.7–3.6 million ) .
18 Mr Clinton made no mention of any other countries joining in the operation , which he said would be co-ordinated with existing United Nations relief efforts .
19 Parsons said he was loath to answer , because anything he said would be see as a British plot *
20 Sir Francis Walsingham , Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth , though himself a Puritan , was so impressed with Andrewes ' abilities , which he considered would be wasted in a country parish , that he caused him to be appointed Vicar of St Giles-without-Cripplegate in London , and at the same time prebend of St Paul 's Cathedral and chaplain both to the Queen and to the Archbishop of Canterbury .
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