Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] that he be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I inquired after my brother , Max , who had finally agreed a few months ago to work for Dad 's firm , and I established that he was in Paris for a few more days .
2 He 's a fabulous guy and very funny , but it took a long time , and I do n't take credit for it , but it took a long time to put him in a situation where I felt that he was at maximum ‘ comfortableness ’ , so that his shyness — and he was very shy — was overcome .
3 Alternatively , is the right hon. Gentleman implying — as I thought that he was in some of his remarks — that legal aid would be generally available to those appearing before adjudicators or tribunals , and that they could secure representation from any part of the legal profession ?
4 That is why his conduct with regard to Heather was so difficult to understand and why , in the end , I concluded that he was in the grip of an obsession he was powerless to resist . ’
5 His talons were unadorned , though he had eye tattoos which indicated that he was of the clan of Hanjin .
6 Nor is there much to be gained from explanations of Wordsworth 's ideas which imply that he was in some way different from ourselves .
7 When Celtic equalised , bringing about a result that caused Aberdeen to lose ground in the championship race , there was that involuntary twitching movement , spreading from Aitken 's head to his toes , which signals that he is on the verge of doing someone a mischief unless he gets a satisfactory explanation in a very short space of time .
8 ‘ Did Mr Riddle tell you anything which suggested that he was on particularly bad terms with anybody ?
9 You mean that he was with you ? ’
10 She backed away , setting the width of the desk between them as she tried to work out what to say , although she doubted that he was in the mood to listen .
11 What made you suspect that he was behind it ? ’
12 Banks is an immensely amiable , bearded ex-beatnik who feels that he is at last putting his past behind him .
13 Mr Scott 's removal from office was demanded by one shareholder who said that he was at the helm when the company 's finances went in to the red .
14 The Lord has given her Psalm 91 and Psalm 121 to hold on to and she knows that He is in control of the situation .
15 Are we to assume that he is to be honoured for his illustrious career as US Secretary of State for Defence ?
16 We heard him talking , but heard no response , so we guessed that he was on the phone to one of the chefs rather than just moaning to George .
17 At all other times , Evelyn and I rushed out to meet him if we heard that he was in the Gallery , so stimulating was his company .
18 This marched him well up the field , and when the final scores came in we saw that he was in equal third place behind Brian Harley and the inevitable Bjorn Carlssen .
19 McLeish had rung his own flat to collect messages ; he could see Catherine just waking , and waved to her to indicate that he was on the phone .
20 The burden of proof lies on him to prove that he was in good faith , etc .
21 To his own distress , he realised that he was in danger of abandoning his self reliance , and making a friend of Merymose .
22 ‘ The morning after he admitted that he was in love with another woman , I lay on our bed as if suspended in space .
23 Lately , Ockleton had heard it mentioned that he was on the staff of a Roman Catholic boarding school in the West Country .
24 Afterwards in the Shoulder of Mutton ( Kneeton Park 1 Knayton 1 ) it transpired that he 's in what used to be known as Tin Pan Alley probably the only manager in the Hambleton Combination ( third division ) who 's also been a manager of the Bay City Rollers .
25 A man who tells every woman that he meets that he is in love with her ? ’
26 The hunt for other reasons to explain the behaviour of a Ceauşescu misses the point : he was not ‘ really ’ a patriot or ‘ at heart ’ a reformer , though when he proclaimed that he was at any given moment one thing , he was that but at the same time was the opposite .
27 It seemed that he was like the poet with his nosegay of visionary flowers :
28 I 'll erm , I 'll venture and , and my parents said yes , that would be alright and so er so I came along and erm of course , it happened that he was in the he was in the forge talking to Hector on the first evening I came and that was how we met .
29 He stated that he was in favour of Quebec remaining as part of Canada under the principle of " 10 equal provinces " , i.e. without " distinct society " provisions .
30 Similarly , when they exchanged the names of their schools , she found herself immensely relieved when he declared that he was at Winchester , for she had heard of Winchester , she knew something about Winchester , she did not have to feign a non-existent knowledge of Winchester .
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