Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I caught it in the other hand .
2 WHEN I BEGAN to write about Thrush Green in 1958 , I described it in the first few pages of the book I called Thrush Green , and a little later as seen by Ruth Bassett from the bedroom window of her late grandfather 's beautiful house overlooking the green .
3 No I put it in the last two times .
4 I was bringing my own but I put it in the wrong pocket of my coat and it fell through the lining and smashed . "
5 ( Have I got it in the first place ?
6 I ca n't stand it , I hear it in the early hours . ’
7 I find it in the unlikeliest places , many of which had not sold it for at least 25 years .
8 If I 'm allowed to have food , why ca n't I have it in the same cell as Elaine ? ’
9 It is worlds apart from school as I knew it in the 1960s .
10 So down at squadron level we had this very much in our minds when in time the orders came down through Group , through station , right to the people who had to do the carting and the bombing , I feel I should explain right at the outset that I can only view at the later stages of the war the state of morale as I saw it in the entire Pathfinder Force .
11 Well I saw it in the last time it was in here on Central and it was n't , it did n't come on !
12 ‘ Not unless I do it in the next three months , ’ she told him .
13 I adore it in the early mornings , when the sun is still behind the hill .
14 I did it in the first year , I 'm in the fifth year now , that was four years ago .
15 I did it in the dull knowledge that there was no way I could get up that hill .
16 I did it in the sixth form , it 's really hard , it takes ages
17 I earned it in the first place , so strictly speaking it 's still mine ; but you learn not to say some things in marriage .
18 I have it in the other room . ’
19 Hence the modern Oedipus complex is not wholly explicable by reference to the modern family ( and therefore not controvertible by reference to modern family arrangements which allegedly do not feature it ) , but rather to both the individual 's actual family circumstances , and to the inherited and culturally transmitted conditions of the species which produced it in the first place and which determined its particular expression .
20 This model confirms the importance of the greenhouse gas forcing of the climate , but it suggests that a doubling of greenhouse gas concentration will produce an increase in surface air temperature of 1.6 + 0.3 °C , which places it in the lower range of the generally accepted predictions of temperature increase ( Gilliland and Schneider , 1984 ) .
21 I 've heard also of courses of injections which remove it in the short term but result in a worse incidence of cellulite after the treatment has worn off .
22 Now the factory which developed it in the 60s looks set to go the same way .
23 For the former the sterling area was good for business ; for the latter , an international financial role for Britain involved direct responsibilities which placed it in the central position in government to which it had become accustomed before 1939 but had lost over the war years .
24 As has been noted , services are far less easy prey to import penetration ; and the broad financial sector fared well out of a sharp rise in inflation and the high interest rates which accompanied it in the early 1970s .
25 North Tyneside is a ‘ programme authority ’ for the purposes of urban programming , which puts it in the second highest division of local authorities for central assistance , which is inner-city related .
26 ( Left The Lycett & Conaty radial gear , with which S.M.E.T. Nos. 1–16 were originally fitted and ( right ) the Warner gear which replaced it in the 1920s .
27 How you going to know exactly where the boundaries go or i in between some land-lock countries that you got it in the right position
28 Yes , fine , now you want it in the red one and not the silver one , yes ?
29 There is said to be an area on the knee called The Three-Mile Point ; it sounds wonderful for runners because , practitioners say , if you touch it in the right way , you 'll have enough energy to run another three miles .
30 Yes , his pulse does race , but mostly , he says , ‘ with admiration for the medieval masons and carpenters who built it in the first place ’ .
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