Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] it [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , one of them attacked it with a large branch , striking it a damaging blow .
2 And then in the , where the bath used to be , in this little bathroom I had the cooker and the washer that 's it , I made it into a little kitchen so
3 so he goes , no he goes I , I mean it as a slovenly woman , like you 're
4 I commandeered it without a second thought . ’
5 And I fought it for a long time and I wanted to get kick-started back to where I was before , because I felt under a cloud .
6 I shared it with a coloured girl who I got on with and we had a good laugh .
7 I sold it for a reasonable price .
8 " I could n't possibly afford the flat if I were renting it now , but I got it on a long lease just after the war , when rents were much less than they are today , " she said .
9 ‘ I did n't know at the time it had been in the Quakers boardroom but it was a good , handmade , solid oak table and I got it for a reasonable price , ’ he said .
10 ‘ But when I tried it as a young kid I could n't even hit the pitch for several years .
11 I found it in an unexpected place .
12 EPIPHONE ET-270 , 3-a-side headstock , you 've got , I want it for a reasonable price .
13 Personally , I regarded it as a good thing .
14 I picture it as a large , grey , multi-headed dragon .
15 he does n't do that , I cut it with an electric cutter .
16 I agree with what you 're saying but when I 've done it before and involved the pupil in such a report I put it on a separate sheet , so that
17 I put it with a fine one-ply in cream and the difference is amazing .
18 That used to be a completely different tune ; I had the lyrics , but I played it on an open tuned National , then when I got the Strat and plugged it into an old Fender Vibrolux amp , it became what it became on record .
19 I receive it with a grateful heart and let the light enter into me , until I am light .
20 I soaked it in a hot bath last night ; it should be okay now . ’
21 Once I showed it to a psychical research woman who , after careful study of the plan of Versailles , said to me in a tense voice : ‘ You realize that the two ladies went bodily through a brick wall ? ’
22 I handed it to a former flight engineer of 213 when I visited him in Toronto some years ago .
23 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
24 I enjoyed it for a few weeks but then went to Stanley . ’
25 Well I stuck it for a long time , Di went to sleep and I got out and I had a look and I , the only thing that I could see , and it was two o'clock , half past two this morning , er the er the one side of the big house over there was full of lights , they had all the lights on and there were two cars outside with their lights on .
26 I followed it on a snug rope and pronounced it ‘ gripping but mild ’ , but then again , it 's always easy on the blunt end .
27 I cooked it in a cheap saucepan .
28 I brought grim news , and I delivered it with a certain mournful pleasure .
29 I I I recorded it in a closed classroom during the lunch-time playtime
30 Nigel Oliver Russell — there , I pronounce it without an encrimsoned cheek .
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