Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] a [noun sg] as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You mean I have a choice as to whether I stay on or not ? ’
2 Cley himself had a sheen as of metal about him .
3 Erm , we had an example advert early on that we actually read through , for the simple reason of finding how long it was going to take , so we had a target as to how long we needed the advert to be very early on and we could work to that .
4 So we have followed that plan and in nineteen ninety we conducted a study as to exactly how this could be done , a er an integrated agency management structure was devised and a plan was er produced which would have resulted in the two agencies merging at the beginning of this year at the start of the what was then planned the D I phase .
5 Then we have a vote as to whether to accept or not to accept Mr 's addendum .
6 Take directors who own their own companies : every year they have a choice as to how much of the profits they want to take as earnings and how much as dividends on their shareholding .
7 The only recent murmur of dissent occurred in Lord Reid 's judgment in Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Dickson [ 1970 ] AC 403 in which he expressed a doubt as to whether , in a case where a restraint was part of a professional code of conduct , the burden of proof regarding justification fell on the professional body .
8 Throughout the reigns of his son and great-grandson he is referred to as Ring Edward ‘ who lies at Gloucester , but it remains a mystery as to whether the body which lies in the splendid tomb there is his or not .
9 Apart from knowing facts such as " oranges contain vitamin C " and liver contains iron " , hardly anyone had a clue as to what actually constitutes a sound balanced diet or even how much of each nutrient is required each day for their body size , or anyone else 's body size for that matter .
10 Ladies and gentlemen , let me myself hazard a guess as to the answer , for such a gentleman capable of the levels of deceit he has displayed over these past days should not be relied upon to provide a truthful reply .
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