Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] of it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
2 Erm I think that those are erm er disadvantages with which any er possible location in Harrogate er District would start and I do n't think the assessment in Mr 's paper er accurately reflects either the criterion in the structure plan er in terms of assimilation , or indeed the nature of the landscape erm and what I know of it in the Harrogate District .
3 But then I thought ‘ Driven By You … ’ and ping ! the lights went on ; I thought of it as the power struggle that goes on in relationships .
4 When I reached the House of Andrus I spoke of it to the other women and we said a prayer .
5 But nothing came of it in the end .
6 Right , well what do you think of it at the front ?
7 It 's a word you are unlikely to find in the dictionary but , if you think of it as the opposite to ‘ extrude ’ , meaning to thrust or push out , then the term becomes more understandable .
8 Erm so whether you think of it as the point is now whizzing round infinitely quickly , or it just stopped ,
9 No , if you think of it from the users point of view , not necessarily .
10 I want you to think of it as the room where you do your writing .
11 Moving the suspension of standing orders at the next meeting of Cork County Council , Councillor Gene Fitzgerald TD complained that the first council members heard of the planning decision was when they read of it in the morning paper .
12 Once they talked of it in the village shop , the whole village would know by nightfall .
13 How tenderly everybody spoke of it during the broadcast !
14 Bob and Florence and er John and Rose and Stan and Doreen and the three of them and I are , are just very happy to be here and together to represent the Hundredth Group and what remains of it in the United States .
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