Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] and [noun] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I said to her I mean and Tracey wanted her because she did n't want her to feel upset .
2 All day and then he got all to do at lunch time yeah they kept it up all the day , they had separate play time , they had had to eat their lunch in the class room all they were allowed was a piece of fruit , a bread and water and they all had to have , you know , they had a bread roll supplied by the school an a an apple I think And Jan made them write out their names and some of them could n't write their name !
3 A murdering Fascist , ’ I cried and Richard took me gently by the shoulders and pushed me towards the door .
4 She swayed and Roman caught her to him , exclaiming in dismay .
5 An agony of numbness robbed Jezrael of one arm ; it flopped heavily into her side , dangling from her shoulder , but Zuleika had dropped the stunner as she fell and Jezrael stomped it .
6 She slipped and Mitch caught her , ’ she snapped at Felipe .
7 He come up the hospital , I was up in intensive care unit and me dad came round about half past ten at night and in he walked , he came straight down from Filey to see him , cos he used to think a lot of dad you see and dad did him years ago , he used to say he was more of a son than me own but then he brought her to the funeral , they would n't speak to me , would n't entertain me at all , I nearly fainted when I saw little one , she 's tall and thin
8 Kathleen was kind but she would not bring herself to visit and Dorothea knew she ought not to have asked .
9 Then he told him what he wanted him to do and Gilberto said he would , although it might mean losing a contract to proof a leading Rome estate agent against electronic surveillance .
10 Pat told them to take what they liked and Carrie gave them linen and other items which were now impossible to buy .
11 I suppose you do n't need to like us old people , ’ and entered into detailed descriptions of the state of their bladders and allied organs , and operations ; and then the jokes and the guffaws and laughter and the pokings and teasing turned to sexual matters , and Philippa felt ashamed for them , these shrivelled old dames , with dazzling movable white teeth , among them some whom surgery permitted to continue without wombs , without breasts , so gloating on the idea of dicks and holes and hairy entrances and moist lips , and cheeks and cracks , and their skinny stiff twisted hands , the thought of them pawing and patting revolted her , but of course they wanted to touch her , her shining hair , her firm face , her lovely arms .
12 It entered and Thomas struck it .
13 He rose and Athelstan followed him out .
14 Not knowing exactly WHEN Brian died , HOW much he suffered and WHO killed him is torture for her .
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