Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] not [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On an upright chair sat a young man — shaven-headed and bovver- booted — who had come for treatment for ‘ a most embarrassing men 's illness ’ ( he would not elaborate ) which had not improved with orthodox therapy .
2 Despite having coached Northerns so well in tandem with Williams in the late Eighties , Eugene Van Wyk was refused and Ian Kirkpatrick , who has not coached at provincial level for at least a decade , has been named .
3 Should the theologian attempt to make use of philosophy in the way that those who have not reacted against Biblical Criticism over the last hundred and fifty years have learned to make use of history ?
4 There have been a number of other dukes , earls and barons who were deaf but who have not aspired to political life .
5 His was the first correct solution selected and he knew the Premier League teams who have not played in European competitions are Crystal Palace , Wimbledon , Oldham , Norwich , Sheffield United , Middlesbrough and Blackburn .
6 No , in deriving eqn ( 4.61 ) we have not talked about magnetic fields and induction at all .
7 She complained that her children had apparently not been allowed access to a Baptist minister , but was told that they had not asked for religious support when it was offered .
8 The extent of royal jurisdiction varied enormously : at one extreme lay Roger II , the would-be autocrat , uttering absolutist doctrines out of Justinian ; or the English king , who , however tied by custom , had effective control both of the king 's court , which retained a wide jurisdiction and was capable , under Henry II , of rapid expansion , and over the old popular courts of the shire and , where they had not fallen into private hands , of the hundred ; at the other extreme was the German king , much of whose jurisdiction had been delegated to the ecclesiastical immunities , and equally much was slipping , in the twelfth century , into princely hands ; or the French king , who was expected to do high justice to all who came , but received comparatively few callers from outside the royal domain .
9 The reason that the protest was n't accepted by the courts in this country was that they had not protested with equivalent vigour at an earlier stage when the looted antiquities first appeared on the market .
10 Although these conditions place a premium on the ‘ intangibles ’ of technical and market knowledge , they have not led to full verticality in the firms ' fixed assets .
11 These are the only really dependably low-calorie choices : Consommé — any flavour ( lovely and clear , so you can actually see that they have not sneaked in extra calories ) 60
12 It is on its way out , but it has not gone for good — yet .
13 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
14 It has not allowed for public discussion or exchanges in which people can ask questions and receive answers from those who undertook the research .
15 The enormous expansion of higher education since 1960 has arguably provided a further extension of opportunity , but it has not succeeded in developing parity of esteem with universities for institutions supposed to be concentrating on vocational and technical education — an aspect which , once again , has invited numerous international comparisons [ Postan , 1967 ; Robbins , 1963 ] .
16 In fact he was so impressed he agreed to make an allowance towards James 's student fees at St Bartholomew 's , but it had not stretched to comfortable accommodation .
17 Rain noticed he had not argued about Sabine Jourdain 's role in painting the Durances .
18 Esther was no beauty , but she had a certain handsomeness about her , a particular wickedness he had not seen in other women .
19 Smith 's coach , Mike Holmes , explained in last Thursday 's Echo that because he had not competed since mid March , the high jumper would not be using his long run-up until the Belfast meeting .
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