Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] because i [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I was given the opportunity to have a rehearsal with him but I declined because I am not like the professionals who can rehearse in detail and then put it over as fresh as a daisy when the time comes .
2 I know because I was there .
3 I know because I was there at the time . ’
4 I know because I was there .
5 ‘ I suppose because I 'm a servant , I suppose because I 'm not married , me and my baby do n't count for anything ?
6 It turned out to be a lot easier than I thought because I was scarcely quick on the uptake when it came to lessons .
7 I think because I was so inexperienced in the sixties , er I do n't think I could have coped with doing two things .
8 And erm , my wife who 's a teacher had erm a very devastating experience just after I retired so it was erm , it was as well that I retired when I did because I was then able to stay at home and er
9 We had to change the lock on their door , and the bloody lock cost thirty seven quid and each key cost five quid to cut , so we 're giving them fifty seven quids worth of security for nothing and they complain because I 'm not out by twelve o'clock .
10 ‘ Apparently he came because I 'm so very young .
11 It happened because I was pretty vulnerable at the time and when I came across this lady who I felt sorry for I imagined that I would be able to support her and make her happy .
12 Well it 's difficult for me to say because I was n't involved with the at that time .
13 We can do it , and if you do , I do n't know , say five calls a day , let us say because I 'm not making any rules , erm , if you could six calls day , without any doubt it would increase your sales by twenty percent , it 'd be good that .
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