Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] how [adj] it is " in BNC.

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1 Looking back on it today , however , I perceive how dated it is ; but , in the 1930s it might just have excited interest , simply as illustrating one direction in which a Marxian might , in his disillusionment , turn .
2 I know how easy it is to do that , coming up there .
3 I know how long it is , how deep , and one does not forget how to swim .
4 Well , thanks for yours , I hope you I know how precious it is at meetings .
5 ‘ I am Barbadian , and I know how difficult it is to get anything done here . ’
6 I know how difficult it is in London — I suppose tropical fruits would be allowed ? ’
7 I played for and captained my country so I know how important it is and I would never stop anybody going .
8 Yeah , no , if you , if you 're supporting it colleague , we 've not been taking support in all , all week and indeed I know how important it is and we 'll , pardon ?
9 You know as well as I do how dangerous it is for a woman alone on the roads — any pervert could pick you up ! ’
10 Sometimes , as I sit alone in my flat in London and stare at the window , I think how dismal it is , how hard , how heavy , to watch the rain and not know why it falls .
11 Oh it is , yeah I wonder how nice it is ?
12 But I wonder how good it is tomorrow ?
13 I wonder how bad it is , that feeling 's like , we do n't really know how bad it is do we ?
14 I wonder how important it is for those players because the the competition over here has its detractors , what about over there , I ca n't imagine the Italians being that bothered about doing well in this competition , certainly the gates over there do n't suggest that it 's that important ?
15 And Dr Neil and Matey — Miss Mates — taught me so much about … life … so much that is useful … and I learned how hard it is for most people to live even halfway decent lives … and now I am home again . ’
16 For example , he took comfort from the deflationary economic measures of July 1966 , which he opposed , as it gave him the chance ‘ to reassert collective Cabinet authority because I see how disastrous it is to allow Cabinet government to decline into mere Prime Ministerial government … if I achieved anything it was by asserting the right of Cabinet to take part in the making of economic strategy so that Harold conceded we must be given that right ’ .
17 This is another case which proves how vital it is for Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell to correct inconsistencies in sentencing .
18 Like Lotus 1-2-3 and SuperCalc , Quattro Pro 's printer support is very good — although having to tell all these programs individually that I had an HP LaserJet IIIsi made me realize how easy it is telling Windows just the once for all your applications .
19 but you ju , you know , you judge how good it is
20 At the end , Slim is the only one who understands how difficult it is for George to take the action that he did , and also why he did it .
21 Have you forgotten how easy it is to delude yourself into believing you are in love ?
22 Do you know how much it is ?
23 Do you know how far it is to my house from here ?
24 " How do you know how old it is ? "
25 You realise how subtle it is when you watch a beaver painstakingly placing a pole on its dam , being visibly dissatisfied with its position , removing it and tugging it into another , until it is at last convinced that it has been effectively deployed .
26 That 's right , then you realise how little it is .
27 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
28 ( The diagram on the instruction leaflet is not very clear , however , so this is likely to be one of those times when you take quite a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together , and then feel a bit daft when you realise how easy it is . )
29 you realise how important it is , that a , you 've got to learn self control in life , and that 's what Jenny learnt , she , she , never had to learn it , she had it from naturally from a , a little child .
30 ‘ Have you seen how far it is to the bathroom ? ’
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