Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] not been [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 and I had a very sheltered life , I was an only child , I had n't been around much , I had n't stayed away from home erm and I came to Suffolk to visit a girl penfriend who was working at Brandeston Hall and erm she at that time was expecting to get engaged to a chappy in the village here who was , and still is a friend of Hector 's and ours , and they did n't marry in the finish but she at that time wanted me to come up to Suffolk to see her and to meet this chappy who she thought she was going to marry and erm so , it was holiday from the art school where I was and I thought well why not ?
2 Because I had n't been around much , I had n't been away from home
3 I have n't been so much involved in it as perhaps some other people and I do n't pretend to be an expert .
4 There has not been too much building to spoil the village , and the population has not greatly altered over the years , so it is a pleasant village in which to live .
5 One of the problems , of course , is that , with the invariably available and endlessly enthusiastic Dixon having achieved the remarkable feat of being appointed to no fewer than five of Scotland 's summer tours , there has not been too much opportunity for anyone else to advance his claims .
6 THERE has not been so much breast-beating in the cinema since Bernadette .
7 The Turkish forces , let's be clear about this , have used napalm against Kurdish villages inside the ‘ safe haven ’ which the rapidstrike force is supposedly on permanent red-alert to protect — yet there has n't been so much as a cheep from any of the elements who cheered the US-led forces into the Gulf War on the basis that regimes which defy international law and slaughter innocent people must be confronted , no matter what the cost .
8 There had n't been so much of that though the last few years .
9 See th history of the union is I mean er but er you know it 's a it 's a process is n't it in in a way the management have are probably really kicking themselves now for what 's happened you know I mean , their li latest statement is er , Well if there had n't been so much ou outside interference I 'm sure we 'd have been able to settle .
10 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
11 In the event it had not been so much religious ‘ discrimination ’ as the limits imposed by lack of money and of land in over-built ancient towns and villages .
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