Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] not be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the one time I did n't was the one time I was wrong .
2 ‘ I know I have n't been the perfect father , but hell , you have n't been the perfect mother either . ’
3 I have not been the same since the assault , ’ the 20-year-old student said at her flat near Hanover , where she is continuing her biology degree course .
4 ‘ It was probably the most painful experience I have ever had , going back through this life , this long life , which has not been the tranquil , easy existence people assume it to be . ’
5 The modifications to the original drawing referred to in the article were mainly concerned with an increase in the size of the tunnels to incorporate larger propellers , the design of which has not be the direct responsibility of G.L. Watson and Company .
6 Of course , she has not been the only case .
7 I know it 's him , this man — what was his name ? — Luke Denner , that 's got you so worked up ; you 've not been the same since those few days in the country and that plan of his has been sitting on your desk untouched for days on end .
8 She had n't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis .
9 So OK , she had n't been the best dinner companion in the world that evening , but she had n't asked him to take her out , he had asked her .
10 She had not been the first woman to offer him a smile during the past few hour .
11 ‘ I know I have n't been the perfect father , but hell , you have n't been the perfect mother either . ’
12 But we have n't been the only ones to combat that , there have been white lesbians as well who have taken offence at that particularly say working class white lesbians or white lesbians with disabilities who have also felt that particular issues affecting them have been marginalised .
13 In my view , a although there 's a current debate about this there has not been the fullest public consultation and I would er myself be minded to invoke the er E C directive on this er in order to try and er to make sure that the the public feel they are fully aware of what the proposals are .
14 Short term this has enabled the UK to maintain a state-of-the-art capability , although there has not been the desired reduction in the total percentage of the defence budget committed R&D .
15 So there has not been the same emphasis on ease of use .
16 ‘ Oh yes , there have n't been the spectacular rises of the first few years , but we could guarantee a growth figure which more than copes with inflation .
17 However , at district health authority and hospital level there have not been the practical measures needed to achieve that .
18 But perhaps they had n't been the righteous .
19 Those shoes , they had n't been the running kind .
20 They have n't been the sole centre of attention — no one is .
21 He said : ‘ I do n't know why but he has n't been the same player since coming back from Wembley . ’
22 Arsenal boss George Graham feels he has not been the same player since he co-starred for England against Turkey .
23 IT HAS not been the best of weeks for managers , a thought with which Graham Souness might agree .
24 Mavis has done her best , but it has n't been the same . ’
25 Pavel knew that he 'd not been the best company but then , they had n't been treating this job as anything particularly special .
26 Charles Marovitz in It had not been the only reviewer from the left dissatisfied with the Royal Shakespeare Company 's US on the Vietnam war .
27 Shiva had called it that , but in his mouth it had not been the hackneyed expression it would have been if an English person had so referred to it .
28 It had n't been the best of weekends .
29 It had n't been the greatest operation anyway , because it seemed that Jenner and Professor Liawski had some big argument around ‘ seventy-nine . ’
30 He suggested the striker was lacking in desire , suggesting he had gone missing during the game against United , and saying he had not been the same since playing for England against Turkey a fortnight ago .
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