Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] not be [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 I had n't been aware of the dust in the convent garden .
2 Slowly the pressures of its differences bore down on my thinking and decisions , prying open my defences and forcing me to face questions I had not been conscious of before .
3 Roy Pointer : ‘ I have been asking for over ten years that there needs to be some bold plans , mission strategy , developed within the denominations and I have not been aware of any until now .
4 And she would still be listening to Mama 's complaining and thinking up excuses for not having the wedding just yet , which had n't been fair of her , really , because she did want to marry Charlie .
5 Erm er I 'm she has n't been critical of me .
6 She has n't been one of the harvesters , she 's been but a gleaner , but God has provided for her .
7 She has n't been aware of it before .
8 Those of you who did n't are guilty of not reading the questions properly .
9 Executors we 've dealt with and expenses , alterations I 've just dealt with er Oh if you want to change you mind , and remember a will is only a piece of paper until you die , you can change your mind as often as you like I have made a will in the past Four wills in one year for one of my clients , his right he 's perfectly entitled to do that er and it 's better that you alter it frequently if your circumstances change than that you do n't be aware of how things go in the way that you do n't want them do .
10 It was as if she had n't been aware of the girl 's presence , but she said , ‘ Stay where you are , child .
11 Her heart beat in a way she had not been conscious of it beating for many a month and she felt near to tears .
12 Wark , who had not been shy of venturing upfield for corners and free-kicks , struck the penalty cleanly enough , but against the crossbar .
13 Naseby , who had not been aware of making a joke , glared at Auguste .
14 What I mean is , that what I have to say to you , I would n't say if you had n't been one of the family .
15 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
16 The problem with British rain is only partly that there has not been enough of it .
17 No , they had n't been aware of anything untoward , not until , much later , the eunuch had come down and searched below deck inch by inch from bows to stern .
18 They had n't been short of opinions , either , and Dominic Wetherby was now becoming something more than just a name .
19 The Pensions Act which became law in August 1908 granted a pension of between 1s. and 5s. per week to those over the age of seventy with incomes of between £21 and £31 10s. p.a. , provided that they had not been imprisoned for any offence , including drunkenness , during the ten years preceding their claim , were not aliens or wives of aliens , and could satisfy the pension authority that they had not been guilty of ‘ habitual failure to work according to his ability , opportunity or need , for his own maintenance and that of his legal relatives ’ .
20 It has not been one of those lives where people are rejected and say , ‘ I 'll show them . ’
21 IT HAS not been much of a week for Welsh politicians because the country 's resounding rejection of Mr Neil Kinnock has been followed by the decision of the International Rugby Board to ignore the reservations expressed by the Welsh Rugby Union and to hold the 1995 World Cup in South Africa .
22 ‘ Although it has n't been one of the happiest experiences of my life either , ’ she added in a low voice .
23 It has n't been much of a week for my wife either ; she now sees little prospect of winning back even a beefburger space in the deep freeze .
24 It had n't been much of a picture for dreaming on .
25 It had n't been much of a job after all ; he had thought at first from the sound of it that it might mean travel , but it did n't .
26 And it had n't been fair of her to expect him to do so .
27 He had not been one of the late Stalin 's critics , but I liked the way he sang his large repertoire of Scottish folksongs and I heeded him when he denounced Butch and Sundance .
28 Rufus was not squeamish , he had not been one of those medical students who become nauseous at their first sight of surgery , but , curiously enough he did not much like to think of all those odd little bones , so alien to him , so unidentifiable , being dug up and sorted out and sifted through in case there should be a human fibula among them or a vertebra .
29 David listened and frankly avowed that he had not been conscious of all these grand ideas .
30 Until this moment he had not been aware of his own anxiety throughout Elizabeth 's pregnancy .
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