Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I took him to a nearby café .
2 Whilst on bail awaiting trial , he was served with statements of his co-accused which implicated him to a significant extent .
3 Sampras admitted he felt powerless in the face of Ivanisevic 's 13-ace onslaught which consigned him to a 7–6 6–2 defeat .
4 Mildred slid him carefully into her pocket and raced up the stairs to her room , where she transferred him to a small box with holes in the lid which she had prepared specially for the journey .
5 She performed her task so well that it was twenty minutes before she brought him to a thundering climax .
6 " It seems you went to see your friend Joseph Hyde first , " she said softly , very softly , " and then , having changed your clothes , you accompanied him to a public house called the Queen Victoria where you attended a secret meeting of the Irish Republican Brotherhood , of which apparently , you have been a member for some two years . "
7 We took him to a Chinese restaurant where they serve those drinks in coconuts — they 're quite strong and he does n't really drink , but we made him have one anyway , and he quite enjoyed it .
8 He took him to a long narrow room in the cellars of the law courts , where phone-taps were carried out .
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