Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he [modal v] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 And I mean he 'll tell you right
2 I 'd put them all in an old suitcase and erm , cos I could n't just put them in there I had to have a look , they 're sentimental and that book was in there so I can definitely get you that , but I would n't go up in the loft I 'm afraid , I 'm so scared of creepy crawlies so er , you know , if you , if you want to come back some time when my husband 's here I mean he can tell you more about the wallpaper and decorating , and I 'll get him to get that out .
3 There may well be there 's a chair there and a chair there there well , I guess he 'd want you to sit there , do n't be tempted to pull the chair when it authority I 'm here , you 're there do with me , let's see how it goes and I trust you .
4 I knew 'e would like you , because you are a wonderful girl , and 'e is a wonderful man .
5 I thought he 'd track you down , ’ Nick said .
6 I think he would welcome you as well .
7 I think he should appreciate you for what you are — an attractive young woman of today . ’
8 I think he can help you — and Hassan too .
9 I think he 'd like you back here . ’
10 I figured he was waiting for you to wake up , Sleeping-Beauty-style , at which point he 'd marry you and make very tender love to you . ’
11 ‘ Do you think he 'll give you the price you want ? ’
12 ‘ If you 're staying on this ward because you think he 'll notice you and start asking you out — him or any other good-looking doctor — then you 'll be here till Doomsday . ’
13 ‘ When you return he will heap you with honours , ’ Burun said simply .
14 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
15 West wins this third Diamond trick with the Queen and all he has left in his hand are 3 Hearts , and whatever card he plays he must give you the last three tricks in that suit .
16 He says he 'll take you somewhere else .
17 He said he would tell you .
18 He said he 'd see you today , ’ Dana said , perching on the edge of Claudia 's desk , scattering the designs she had been working on , much to her annoyance .
19 Well ring , he said he 'd ring you instead but
20 What time did he say he 'd meet you ? ’
21 The outcome will be that he claims he can book you a flight only to the international airport on Sal Island .
22 Whatever scrapes he 'd get you into , ’ one of them had once said , ‘ you always knew he 'd get you out . ’
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