Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] he [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It told me to meet him by the Princess Alice in Forest Gate , ’ he recalls .
2 I asked him about the Lady Eleanor and he replied : ‘ She is near to death , a fall , an accident .
3 When I asked him about the Galapagos T-shirt he was wearing , he merely snapped , ‘ No , I have n't been .
4 Once I met him in the West End and we went to the pictures . ’
5 I found him in the Grange garden , where he had been waiting for news all night .
6 When I told him about the Whitehorse Cinema manager offering him $500. to fly up to open the new building , he laughed loud and long .
7 If the Minister does not know the details , I direct him to the NFU survey on the Borders .
8 ‘ Alex felt that if I selected him for the Poland game , he should play and try to help us get the result before announcing his retirement , and that was Bryan 's intention . ’
9 I took him to the Spar shop !
10 I took him to the St Petersburg library , let him show me pictures of the uniforms .
11 I took him to the Savoy Hotel .
12 ‘ Since I put him in the Melbourne Cup , which is a serious entry , we 've had enquiries from America , so he could yet change stables . ’
13 In 1894 he was awarded a London county council scholarship with distinctions , which took him to the Kenmont Gardens Science School ( 1894–7 ) and in 1896 he was awarded an evening exhibition to the Regent Street Polytechnic .
14 Gavin can remember little about the savage attack which put him into the John Radcliffe Hospital .
15 More than £2m was invested in Teddy Sheringham from Nottingham Forest , who responded with 28 goals , which forced him into the England squad .
16 That the son turned out to be all but six and a half feet tall at the age of thirteen and went through school and university wielding a subversive wit which catapulted him into the West End and the beginnings of real fame in his early twenties , seems almost in bad taste , very embarrassing indeed , certainly uncalled for and probably best left undiscovered .
17 His brother , who succeeded him as the Emperor Leopold II , was able to restore peace in the disturbed areas only by a skilful mixture of force and concessions .
18 You met him at the Kremlin .
19 Stoughton was even a friend of Matthew Arnold , who proposed him for the Athenaeum .
20 However , if Europeans were exasperated with Carter , many had little liking either for the man who beat him in the November presidential elections .
21 But then she remembered Matthew 's smiling face when she told him about the Avery prize .
22 When they reached Perugia she dropped him opposite the Questura .
23 Glasses , a beard and lots of grey hairs — 47-year-old Rod Stewart 's new look seems to have stunned his model wife Rachel Hunter who joined him at a Los Angeles club .
24 It 's rose pruning time says Brian and he will call and do the necessary if you contact him at the Glendale Club on 091–584–1148 .
25 At the age of nineteen he was apprenticed to Isambard K. Brunel [ q.v. ] who employed him on the Thames tunnel and on some sections of the Great Western Railway .
26 I was conscious , too , of his fine , tanned hand holding the pencil , and of the occasional play of warm breath from his mouth , wholesome as home-baked bread , though he was a heavy smoker — much heavier than I. ft was I who introduced him to the Bisontes brand , a Spanish version of Lucky Strike , with a similar ‘ toasted ’ flavour .
27 Alexander , his third son , was educated at Harrow and Cambridge where he met , as well as Manners , Benjamin Webb who introduced him to the Cambridge Camden Society .
28 Jimmy last met the Queen in 1979 when she presented him with the OBE.
29 You had him at the Lord Howe , that 's the last I know .
30 His claim that we described him as the IRA 's Chief of Staff is untrue .
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