Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] and [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I trust them to try and sort out the unions , ’ William says .
2 They were always changing them to try and balance up the take I suppose , on each , each leg of the route and there was always was the chief clerk then and him and I got on very well together and he really initiated me into running times .
3 Very kindly , Carole and Ben Meadows invited them to come and stay over the weekend .
4 The journey to Calcutta took some hours , and when we arrived the Army met us and wanted to put us all in to some barracks , but I protested and rang up the Bishop , Foss Westcott , and asked if he could advise me what to do as Margaret by this time was very ill .
5 I undressed and turned out the lamp , then stood a moment by the open window .
6 Passing the township , both brakes jammed on , I slither and judder down the newly regravelled surface , hoping for something to pass and pick me up , but also marvelling at the open splendour of the valley scenery which surprises me afresh every time I look .
7 So I rise and go along the blazing beach to the jetty , to see Old Man Monsoon .
8 I jumped and slid down the slope of the dune into its shadow , then turned at the bottom to look back up at those small heads and bodies as they watched over the northern approaches to the island .
9 In addition to the flabby growth and increased susceptibility to pests and disease that follows , the visible indications show out as brown patches which spread and coalesce round the leaf edges .
10 Oddly , there are tiny elemental effects which spark and flicker around the Ghost ; tiny phosphorescent sparks around its hands , small ripples in the stone beneath its feet , a gentle breeze around its head , a sudden dampness and dripping of water from the stones of the walls around it .
11 The floor scissors exercise is an all-rounder which stretches and tones up the abdomen and the whole of the lower body .
12 Sampling lists , that is , a record which identifies and sets out the population from which a sample is to be drawn , may not always completely enumerate the population from which the sample is to be drawn , the list may follow some peculiar sequence , sections of the population may be difficult to contact or refuse to co-operate , and so on .
13 The artist would reproduce that grid onto a studio canvas in a proportionately larger scale , using it as a sequence of reference points by which to plot and paint up the landscape configuration exactly to the Design drawing .
14 ‘ Sorry — I ca n't stop ! ’ she cries and lets out the clutch .
15 These theories often guide the practice of those who make and carry out the policies which have led to so little actual economic growth and development in most Third World countries .
16 A great deal of thought and work goes into planning and preparing Q.T. Days and in order to ensure their success both physically and financially we would be pleased if you acknowledge and fill in the enclosed form and return it to the office as soon as possible .
17 She stooped and scooped up the little dog on to her lap .
18 She stooped and picked up the post .
19 who run and play along the riverbank
20 She sighs and picks up the envelope again .
21 ‘ A , ’ she repeated and handed back the chalk .
22 She swallowed and fought back the tears , dashing her hand over her eyes .
23 They use it to help prepare themselves for the interview — i.e. to get to know you a bit before you arrive and work out the questions they are going to ask you .
24 " Oh , Sir Dermot , you know I 'm Lally , " she laughed and helped out the moment with sly ease , loosening the way through Nicandra 's formal how-do-you-do 's .
25 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
26 I 'll come , ’ she said and put down the receiver to meet two pairs of eyes that looked so astonished that she burst out laughing .
27 ‘ Thank you again , ’ she said and handed back the now empty can , ‘ but I 've got to find my friend , the weirdo in the hat .
28 She glared and banged down the iron pan she had taken from the fire , then lifting the lid allowed a huge cloud of steam to escape into the air .
29 And then she dived and rattled down the dirt-track which seemed to go on for ever across an empty hillside .
30 Use what detail you need and filter out the non-essential stuff .
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