Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] be that of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first body I saw was that of a man lying in a gutter in Raouche , his arms wrapped around his face , one leg hooked above the pavement .
2 Among the films I brought was that of the Scharnhorst and when its showing time was listed in the ship 's paper , I was informed that one of the passengers , a Captain Danckwerts , had been the Scharnhorst 's wartime assistant navigating officer .
3 The only enjoyable memory that I have is that of the instructor , a tall man with dark hair and a quiet nature vault a large gate in one bound and coming sprinting towards me to see what was the matter .
4 The leader may believe that the most important role for them to play is that of a co-ordinator .
5 The first notion that we require is that of a state .
6 The context in which they arose was that of the capitalist world economy and imperialism ; hence there has also been , in many of these movements a substantial socialist influence , and in some countries , notably in China , nationalist movements have culminated in a social revolution .
7 He had left her and gone to live with an upper-class woman , had soared to the opposite end of the scale from Josie , whose attraction for him had been that of a splenetic victim from the lower depths of the goyim : but Josie had refused a divorce and the ordeal had dragged on .
8 As we have seen , a waiter at a hotel implies that the wine he offers is that of the hotel and not his own : Doukas , above , and in Silverman there was an implied representation that a quote was fair in the circumstances of mutual trust .
9 Although we can not go into the technicalities of Ohmann 's method , it is worth mentioning that the apparatus he used was that of an earlier version of Transformational Grammar , one which subsequently underwent profound modifications . "
10 Such sharing of the superego constitutes what we call religion ; and the particular religious form which he assumed was that of the animal totem , a choice appropriate in the new hunting culture and a consequence of the fact that the primal father had been the last of the truly animal hominids .
11 Another discovery he claimed was that of a cure for glanders : one horse had remained ‘ cured ’ for four years after treatment with what was popularly known as ‘ Sewell 's Blue Broth ’ — three ounces of copper sulphate in a quart of water .
12 The air which he breathed was that of the famous treatise on the resting places of the old English saints , and of the days when , in Eadmer 's words , ‘ it was the custom of the English to prefer the patronage of the saints to every worldly aid ’ .
13 The landscape he knew was that of the East .
14 Medical men had perforce to be botanists , and often gardeners as well , and in time medical knowledge came to be the perquisite of the European religious orders , as it had been that of the priests in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs .
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