Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [that] it 's [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I have n't had a period for over a year , and although sometimes I think to myself ‘ I 'm all right really ’ , then I remember I have n't got my periods back and I realise that it 's not as simple as it seems .
2 I realise that it 's not only an illness , I suppose , but it 's quite selfish in a way .
3 And I mean it was er I accept that it 's hardly that that Russia perhaps was intervening in the interests of er of of erm of of of of er Russian policy in that area .
4 So I reckon that it 's up to me to get a job and pay for Dad 's medical care . ’
5 I reckon that it 's just .
6 I reckon that it 's definitely about time that we went home . ’
7 I understand that it 's just that
8 They 're offering a gift , you know … the fact that each one is a piece of work , so much has gone into it that it 's something very special , and I understand that it 's very nerve-wracking for them to offer it , to perform it …
9 So I always try to do that but I , I , again I find that it 's very erm very tiring and it 's very , gets very can get very involved with it , so I would like us , I 'd like you to think of the idea of a social secretary to help with the raffles and organizing what 's going on at the meetings please .
10 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
11 Yes , I feel that it 's very much a case that they have things done to them all the time and our pupils , a lot of them , are quite sort of apathetic in decision-making and are quite happy to accept , or appear to be happy to accept , whatever anybody decides should be done for them , to them .
12 I agree that it 's not a particularly easy life for most people to support .
13 If I recall rightly I think that it 's not that long ago that the licence was transferred to the present holder .
14 I think that it 's not just the policy , I think it 's the whole of society 's attitudes , because children learn what they are by how people see them , and if they 're in a society that says you 're in an unusual situation , if you 're not with two parents then somehow your situation is n't right and we condemn it !
15 So I think that it 's desperately important that people are conscious of that now .
16 If he does it without any help I shall be totally amazed and I think that it 's simply a facility to assume that there 're gon na be reductions in bureaucracy simply by centralising because the record from the past shows that the reverse is the case .
17 People have been very generous in the parish and the village , obviously they think a lot of their church , but one suggestion that was put forward was if every man , woman and child gave the equivalent of twelve pounds to the fund then it would be raised easily , and I think that it 's quite likely that people will come forward er in a generous way I 'm sure .
18 and this particular project , a lot of hard work has gone into it by members of the parish council and er I think it 's perfectly appropriate , and the ground was bought , it was n't donated , er it 's come of the er erm the funds that parish council receives from er residents and I think that it 's perfectly appropriate that it should mark one hundred years of parish local government .
19 I think that it 's very nice music , ’ Erika said .
20 I think that it 's very important for people who smoke not to blame themselves , it is not their fault they smoke .
21 I mean I want to start with , with pensions pay and er , basically what 's happening is that everyone 's suffering pay cuts er and er th th what the government is doing is , first of all is attacking the State pension scheme er , and it 's allowing , er , employers to continue to rip-off occupational pension schemes and er since it 's pay , and it 's our pay , we wan na make sure we control it and I do n't see why the employers should be allowed to continue to exploit er , us both at one , both in terms of the pay we get now and the pay we get when we retire , whether it be at sixty whether it be er , whenever we wish to er retire and er , I think it 's very important if the government is er committed to crime prevention , that it actually starts doing something about those for , those , those employers , and Maxwell has , has been er referred to already , he 's just the tip of this very big iceberg er , and er , up and down the country , people are suffering substantial thefts of pay er employers are systematically organizing wages snatches , that 's what this er pension fraud is all about , and it 's about time that our government actually got round er and tackled this very important corporate crime issue that 's actually going on at the moment and er , I think that it 's very important that we ensure that we 're involved in er managing our own pension sch p pension funds , and therefore we should be pushing through demands of the er th the , the charter for pension fund democracy , and ensuring er that the government actually listens to what we 're saying , and actually er comes up with answers why we can not have the right to control our pay cos I can I ca n't see an any reason that they come back and say why democracy , why they ca n't , why , why they wo n't allow us to have a greater say and control our own pension funds and that 's I think is a legitimate demand that we should be campaigning for , up and down the country .
22 They may need to go out in pairs which is why I think that we do need to put more money into the budget to provide this service and make sure that we 're doing it in the best possible way , erm so I mean I think that it 's very important that we 're consistent about this .
23 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
24 You said the child may not be developing in the way the parent expects the child to develop , and I think that it 's very important for parents to check out their expectations .
25 I think that it 's only a fear of women but it 's also a belief in the innate or or learn superiority of men over women
26 It might save money , but in terms of the environmental impact it is quite disastrous , and I think that it 's only now that the real problems in London for example are coming home to roost , er and I would ask that point to be borne in mind by whoever we decide should make representations to the commissioners .
27 They 're just pure-intellect machines , as well all know , but I swear that it 's not out of humanizing sentiment that we give them female names and pronouns .
28 At least I admit that it 's all to boost my ego , restore my pride and give me pleasure , not to save the country or uphold justice or honour the dead .
29 I 'm an ex-carer , and I looked after my aunt for three and a half years , and could I say that it 's not all negative although it times you could scream !
30 Erm , can I say that it 's only last year that we organised that video for secured car parks , and employed a blooming outside presenter to do it , and that cost us twelve thousand quid , and that were at Derby and they made an excellent bloody video of it did n't they ?
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