Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [that] he was [verb] " in BNC.

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31 I suspected that he was cheating , that the questions were based on false premisses .
32 And because Jed could n't picture the wife who was supposed to have left him , because he had no idea what she looked like , he found himself believing that he was doing a pretty good job .
33 Joyce himself claimed that he was approached by Edward Barron whose father was proprietor of the Carreras Tobacco Company .
34 The evidence for Richard Middleton 's membership of Gloucester 's household comes from his marriage licence , which shows that he was marrying within the Percy connection .
35 The evidence for Richard Middleton 's membership of Gloucester 's household comes from his marriage licence , which shows that he was marrying within the Percy connection .
36 They were all offices which indicated that he was held in good regard , but not considered a serious candidate for major political advancement .
37 Her eyes innocently wide , she gave a slow smile , because she had known it was a viewing platform , of course ; and he knew that she knew , which meant that he was teasing her , and that he was one of those people who always managed to keep a straight face .
38 Rodríguez had refused to attend the final session on June 18 of the National Constituent Assembly , which over the previous six months had drafted the Constitution , because of the Assembly 's approval of a " transitory clause " on June 15 which ensured that he was included in a general constitutional ban on presidents standing for re-election .
39 To be preferred is the Scottish king-list , which claims that he was captured and blinded by King Edgar , dying in Rescobie ( Angus , Tayside ) ; the annals of Tigernach confirm this by noting that he was blinded in 1099 , probably the date of his death .
40 He refused , whereupon she argued that he was impeding and delaying justice by cavillaciones et diffugia ( ‘ quibbling objections and subterfuges ’ ) , and aimed to dispossess her not only of Bigorre , but of her vicomté of Marsan as well .
41 Soon she realised that he was singing her praises to his friends , because other similar garden owners rang her up and asked her if she could do a few hours for them too .
42 It was then she realised that he was lambasting her with the tennis racquet .
43 After a moment she realised that he was extolling her virtues as a personal assistant .
44 Fran blushed crimson as she realised that he was staring at her , one corner of his mouth lifted mockingly as though he could read her thoughts .
45 He asked you to pretend that he was staying here and going to the symposium on a daily basis .
46 Opening heavy lids , she found that he was staring at her with burning eyes , yet she was aware that he 'd imposed on himself an icy control .
47 He seems later to have returned ; possibly an attempt on the throne was being planned when he died , for the C text 's statement that Cnut afterwards had him killed is followed by Florence , who adds that he was betrayed by those he held dearest .
48 She says that he was hanging by his dressing gown cord from a banister .
49 At times she believed that he was seeking Camilla 's advice about his marriage or making arrangements to see her .
50 Vitor pulled back , and she noticed that he was trembling as much as she .
51 She noticed that he was staring across the graveyard .
52 You , you , you assumed that he was flying as a , as a fare paying passenger erm and when he started , when you s then started saying how many miles do you do Steve went straight back to talk about car travel .
53 But she confirmed that he was expected to be at the match .
54 And she had asked him what would have happened to her if she had not had these good friends who had come to her aid and given her shelter , and when , in the form of an excuse , his answer had been , did n't she realize that he was distracted ? she had come back with , did n't he realize he had almost killed a man , that he was lucky he was n't in gaol now answering a charge of murder ?
55 She shrieked that he was to take his hands off her .
56 ‘ We ca n't find out where he was going on Friday evening ; you know that he was seen in Albert Terrace , apparently on his way to Moorgate ? ’
57 She sensed that he was holding back with a massive effort , suppressing his own hunger with iron discipline .
58 He paused , and she sensed that he was finding it difficult to express his thoughts .
59 She sensed that he was smiling , and was a little disconcerted .
60 She sensed that he was smiling again .
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