Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [that] [pers pn] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In some ways , ’ he said yesterday , ‘ Python does look very old-fashioned now , yet when I arranged a compilation of all 45 shows for the BBC I found that we had on the Not The Nine O ’ Clock News unintentionally pinched a number of things , putting the signature in the middle of the programme , parodying famous TV interviews .
2 I stipulated that it had to be different from mine .
3 I reckoned that I had at least one brigade of white cells on the start line with other brigades available as required .
4 We 've hardly managed to touch on prisons at all , or though , although , I know that we have amongst us hundred people who er , who are , are responsible for and er and have dedicated much time to working in prisons and I do n't know whether there is sufficient people here qualified to comment or not whether the prisons do a good job , so I 'll ask some one who 's bound to be a slightly partial Audrey , there 's only one women 's prison as some one said earlier , now your an ex-governor , now is that right ?
5 I know that we have in our grasp a truly glorious future .
6 I ca n't prove anything and I still do n't understand it all , but I know , and I know that I have to be there , have to get to Strathspeld .
7 I was confident of beating him , but then I believe that you have to be confident of beating everybody .
8 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
9 I find that I have to be honest with Mary and many others .
10 On the other , I felt that he had after all taken a sort of liking for me .
11 As soon as I set foot in there , I knew that I had to be involved somehow .
12 I knew that I had to be the best at everything if I was to haul my family out of the financial trouble they were in .
13 In 1980 , coming back from a hospital in the States where I had been told that I ought to have an operation ( interestingly on my throat — it was as though all the tension caused by what I could not say was caught up there ) , I saw that I had to be free of this .
14 Oh well , you know No , I do n't think that , but I think that you have to I mean there has to some kind of relationship between I 'm not saying it 's anything to do with the personalities or anything like that but
15 In answer to the hon. Gentleman 's point about travel — which is what I think that he had in mind when he referred to ’ communication ’ — by hon. Members to European Community institutions , I hope to table the necessary resolutions very soon .
16 What 'll her experience that she had in New Zealand ?
17 Fortunately it became necessary for me to accompany the well-known Solveig 's Song on a dulcitone , which meant that I had to be close beside her in the wings .
18 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
19 She realised that he had to be the root of her insecurities , of her inability to believe that anyone could ever love her in return .
20 To be supporting people at a time of impending loss does not of itself mean that we have to be doing ‘ counselling ’ .
21 Some years later , when her health and strength failed her , she found that she had to ; but when that day came , she packed her courage as well as her clothes into her suitcase .
22 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
23 Over the next couple of days she discovered that she had to be careful not to think about Luke Scott .
24 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
25 But you know that you have to , you know you ca n't just
26 It had been bad enough lying to Piers , leaving him because she knew that she had to , however much she disliked it , but to while away her time here , doing nothing but mulling over past events , was a recipe for misery .
27 Julia made no effort to talk then , because her throat hurt so much , but later , over dinner , she felt that she had at least to try .
28 No one says that YOU have to , and if your main reason for wanting a close friendship is to be like everyone else then it wo n't be much of a friendship anyway !
29 Only after the event was over did we discover that he had in fact contributed to a booklet produced just before the 1987 general election by the Society of Conservative Lawyers .
30 A third group of carers take on the job because they feel that they have to .
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