Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [indef pn] do [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think something to do with the church is n't it .
2 I think everybody does throughout the course of the day without even realising anyway , do they ?
3 I had nothing to do with the rifleman 's death , sir .
4 I had nothing to do with the financial side of the firm , and big output does not necessarily mean big profit . ’
5 I had nothing to do with the recording and creative side but I changed guitar strings and that kind of thing .
6 I had nothing to do with the murder of Graham Mills .
7 No I had nothing to do with the staff at the
8 ‘ There is definitely an ‘ ideal girl ’ , and I 've nothing to do with the creation of her .
9 I have nothing to do with the LA lifestyle ; I do n't go to ‘ the party ’ — you know , the one that 's always going on somewhere .
10 Molly , Edith ( Harlow ) and I were talking about the Medauring in Germany started by Sofie Trappe , and I said we ought to form a group in England — Molly 's reaction was ‘ that 's fine Andy so long as I have nothing to do with the organisation ’ … so that year we formed the Studio Club .
11 Now you 're always making a balance in developing drugs and I have nothing to do with the drug industry , I 'm a G P , you have a balance between trying to move things forward to get people better and on the other hand making sure that you 're not going to do them any great harm .
12 ‘ Yes — but I have something to do on the way .
13 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
14 The agent takes 15 per cent of the band 's earnings which has nothing to do with the band 's costs .
15 Yet I think there is a difference between the control of living systems and the stability of physical ones , which has nothing to do with the presence or absence of a controlling intelligence .
16 If , however , the music is highly chromatic , our memory of the original key is quickly obscured , so that we accept the establishment of new keys readily and are not disturbed if the music ends in a tonality which has nothing to do with the original key .
17 If it 's some notion of individuation which has nothing to do with the body , nothing to do with the soul and nothing to do , ultimately , with the intellect either .
18 Here was Socialism putting forward irrelevant theories of class war and wanting to rule the country by a set of theories which had nothing to do with the welfare of the people .
19 It did n't happen , which had nothing to do with the state of mind we might have been in after Jonathan , but everything to do with another independent channel showing a related subject .
20 In 1827 , for reasons which had nothing to do with the success or failure of the enterprise , the land-owner sold the estate and the community was dispersed .
21 It was clear to Alexei that if the Merkuts did not wish to see Jehana given in marriage to Artai , there were reasons which had nothing to do with the suitability of the match .
22 The hospital has always maintained that her paralysis was caused by a rare condition which had nothing to do with the operation .
23 The nose and beard also seemed to imply , to produce , to secrete constantly a certain kind of mind which had nothing to do with the intelligence diffused throughout the books , books that I knew so intimately , and which were permeated by a gentle and God-like wisdom . ’
24 Standards may well rise from 1990 , but the rise may stem from the National Curriculum , testing , parental choice , opting out , or other factors which have nothing to do with the ERA .
25 Nor can I accept any teaching that talks about becoming attuned to spiritual forces which have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit .
26 Casey Miller and Kate Swift in their book on sexist language make the point that there are a number of words with the prefix ‘ man ’ which have nothing to do with the male gender .
27 The second reason is a nagging doubt that perhaps we are researching fictions of our own making ; that is , we are producing theories about experimental subjects in laboratory situations which have nothing to do with the individual in society .
28 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
29 If you want something done in a club , a voluntary club and things like that , go to your A types .
30 In practice , however , it is very likely that the person who creates a DC , and enters all the initial information about it , will be a technical assistant , who has nothing to do with the actual implementation of the DC .
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