Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [coord] i [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I goes but I had to , I had to , I goes why ?
2 But like a number of other people before me I turned and I turned in response to totally unnecessary violence .
3 I know but I felt like saying it again .
4 Oh yeah I know but I meant in here .
5 I looked and I looked as the candle fought with the wax and cast a flickering light on her face , and I just could n't get over her .
6 But they 're all well I went and I said to them I 'd forgotten my essays , my room number , the lot !
7 I was promised that I could learn t I could be a nurse if I went and I went to the Bishop of Liverpool 's erm household in Liverpool .
8 Oh no , it was just because I went to talk to my manager about it before I went and I went through my diary with him and everything .
9 I was going to bingo and I said and I said to her well we 'll go and pick Sue 's mother up and we 'll pick you up and all and she went the Empire , I went the Corn Exchange but that 's beside the point .
10 Well I went to , erm they would n't let me go to work on the aircraft so I left and I went to work and the Walsall Electric Company , it was within Walsall and I was there when V E day happened and er a pal of mine said he knew where I could get this job and oh it was travelling about which I enjoyed and er I , I went then to work for Elwells I was there until I went in the army , but they were very much heavy transport and in those days the opencast mining started happening as well and we were taking diggers about bulldozers and tractors , scrapers for the opencast mining and I remember , in the bad winter of forty-seven , they , they took up a big part of Park , trees and everything and they never found a bit of coal and yet when started levelling off at Darleston , for Bentley Garden Village as it was then called , er they were getting coal out and people were going up with prams , barrows and everything and fetching it all out it was only being levelled for building work , and fetching coal , natural coal off Bentley Common the erm I 've wandering off away from the airport a bit have n't I ?
11 Oh yes she did and I went like this ,
12 But anyway I gave , it 's fifty P I gave the lass who was selling it a pound you see and she said here you are waiting to give me my change , I said no , no and she said and I said to her I said you know you need it more than I do and she she got tears in her eyes and I I thought I mean I I do n't know if I can articulate this properly .
13 There was only one thing for me to do and I dodged behind the Toyota .
14 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
15 Well , it came on erm it was coming on while er , you know the da , the day he died and I went into work ?
16 Yeah he did and I thought to myself oh well you 're , you 're growing up Ricky , I thought to myself .
17 Anyway our Darren came in , and I 'm gon na forget Darren came to the caravan and I was telling him about these wet sheets and beds and the mirrors done and what I was doing there and Oh he said and about the mattress he said and I said to him mattress , it 's still the same mattress .
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