Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean even when I smoked I did .
2 ‘ Always I eat here when I have business in town , ’ Madame Gebrec explained .
3 I speak personally when I say that for me the Eucharist represents God 's powerful declaration that I am ‘ ransomed , healed , restored and forgiven ’ .
4 I run now when I see him coming .
5 About five years , I joined there when I left the
6 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
7 And barn owls are very inquisitive , as I discovered later when I began to take Dawn out into the fields .
8 How do I decide rationally when I hear a thousand different voices screaming contradictory advice ?
9 Thee will not think I talk figuratively when I tell thee that his pine apple stove is sixty feet long , twenty feet wide and height proportionable .
10 " Yes — I have my own personal account there , and I go there when I want to cash a cheque . "
11 cos it was only like sort of eight inches difference and I thought well when I wash 'em they might shrink anyway
12 Reality was more drab , I thought ruefully when I woke up .
13 I do fucking when I do silly things like I rip bus stop signs
14 They did n't play loud ; they played where they could hear each other in the studio , and that natural leakage — as I learned later when I got into engineering — actually helped to blend the tonal quality . ’
15 ‘ Oh , Ellen , ’ she said , ‘ I cried bitterly when I heard of Catherine 's death , you know .
16 I come here when I get depressed . ’
17 ‘ That was something I missed terribly when I retired and doing this race for the first time is a way of replacing it . ’
18 Another says : ‘ I pray best when I sit before the Blessed Sacrament , or look at the Crucifix without saying anything — just being with the Lord . ’
19 And er she says like when I think of me keeping her child overnight and all before it 's in hospital and running down to hospital three or four times when he was in the hospital , and taking him sweets and all , and she says she 's treating me like shit .
20 She nodded sagely when I told her of my decision .
21 Mind you , all these youngsters ca n't but you ca n't see , you know normally when I stand at bar I can normally see the door but I ca n't see it .
22 But his drawings are really good , you know well when I say drawings er drawings are , these are army , armed men you know
23 and er you know I think coming to a , a university is a thing that you know like it 's a very sort of novel experience for a lot of people and you know certainly when I started the human psych course here , you know about twelve , thirteen years ago erm you know I did n't know what on earth was , was requ required and I agonized over work for quite , quite a long time and er
24 I allowed you to ride alone when I had no knowledge at all of your ability .
25 ‘ Why did n't you go away when I asked you ? ’
26 There were two Frenchmen in the corner with shifty eyes and scarred faces who looked away when I stared at them , and a friendly Scandinavian with a tan and fine blond hair who shook my hand and said , ‘ France fucking shit , yes ? ’
27 You leave here when I 've finished with you and not a moment earlier . ’
28 ‘ Yes , but we played better when I went off ! ’ he said , referring to the fact that Dale were camped in the opponents ' penalty area in the final half hour .
29 We parted happily when I got the job at ffeatherstonehaugh 's . ’
30 I had a tremendous struggle to keep my medication the whole time I was in Holloway , and it started again when I went to Styal .
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