Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I mean even I understand you were talking about the children sort of being out in the dark on their own erm even just something as simple as that .
2 So I mean well I suppose it 's , times flitting away cos I do n't suppose her solicitor will let it go on forever !
3 So I mean again I realized I had dug a hole for myself with the compressed funding but at the same time I was saying to myself oh yeah there is carry forward here er
4 I erm I 'll make , I can easily make Charlie feel guilty cos he , I mean he 's a bit of a try-hard , you know , he thinks he 's a lad but I mean underneath I think he does feel something sometimes .
5 She does n't want any up , she wants to be happy with , I mean Jane out of all them I mean normally I mean she 's , she would do anything for you .
6 I mean today I 've I paid all this cash .
7 but I mean certainly I think it 'll be worth erm
8 I don I do n't know if it 'll be three hours I mean ideally I know it should be it just depends how we we can fit it in .
9 As far as the specification 's concerned I mean obviously I think it says something very simple like D I Y wood waste
10 Well the procedure is anything , that 's if there 's an accident which does require treatment from the first-aiders , I mean then I think we should send it off do n't you ?
11 Oh yes I mean there I 've I 've I would n't be without my er filter and my er
12 Cos people , I mean now I mean you ca n't sort of even think about that till mid January or later .
13 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
14 I mean really I mean I ca n't see that before Monday
15 Mm well I , I mean really I want him to tell me I mean she implies that I 'm gon na get , you know , back fully back to normal but I I 'm beginning to wonder myself
16 No , oh , I mean personally I think it would be better for the United Reformed to join up with the shared pastures instead of joining up with the Methodist because the Methodist have got plenty of churches in their area , have n't they ?
17 When I got closer I found it to be empty and forgotten ; cattle grazed up to its outer walls , its projecting porch was thick with ivy , its gardens with nettles .
18 When I got here I discovered she did n't live in the town any longer .
19 ‘ I suppose I came down on impulse , but as soon as I got here I wished I 'd stayed in the house .
20 And as soon as I got home I wrote it down .
21 When I got home I told everybody where I 'd been and what I 'd done : my 63-year-old father , my three sisters , my nephews , my friends , the men and women in my local pub and my colleagues at the bank .
22 When I got there I thought it was all right .
23 It 's this really creepy area , a dead-end road in a red-light district , and when I got there I discovered I did n't have my key and he was n't in , so I was locked out .
24 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
25 I go curly I get jealous I act reasonable I change my mind .
26 And as I walk past I want you to turn them over so I can see if they are clean on both sides . ’
27 A. Because every time I walk somewhere I see lots of Indians .
28 and er I says well I thought you 'd got some .
29 I I hope so I think it was er er we bridged you know I mean maybe you know it 's often the way is n't it you know you think that 's something going on and you think it 's different to what it is when he realized we were all very level headed and that er .
30 I could not believe that such an outburst of violence could happen in Fontanellato , where everybody , including those who belonged to the party , seemed to be more or less on good terms with one another , but when I arrived home I begged my father to be careful and to avoid discussions with anybody except the doctor .
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