Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] be [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
2 Before I went to Miss Havisham 's and met Estella , I had always wanted to be apprenticed to Joe , and I had always been happy at home , in spite of my sister 's scolding .
3 I 've always been hopeless at riddles .
4 I 've always been good at thinking on my feet .
5 I 've always been good at saving .
6 I 've always been good at painting ; I 'd nearly finished my picture — which included the ark and a mountain when Miss began telling us how rainbows were all an illusion caused by sunlight and raindrops .
7 ‘ After that I suppose I 'll start training for another marathon , but I 've never been good at looking to the future .
8 I 've never been good at showing my feelings , but yes , I love you .
9 She hoped people would want to try for the Number Power certificate as they learn and has even joined herself : ‘ I have always been rotten at maths but this is the ideal way to do it , ’ she said .
10 " Your letters were always too short , Sara , and not detailed enough , but then you 've never been good at spilling all your thoughts in speech or writing , have you ?
11 You 've always been good at that . ’
12 She had also been surprised at how easy she had found it to talk to him , about all the private , intimate failures and successes of her life ; fascinated to hear about his problems with the privately owned Wyndham International Banking Corporation , which he had recently taken over from his father .
13 She had only been mad at Dan , because he had brought up Patrick 's name when she wanted him to be a secret .
14 And predictably , McDonald and wife Juliet , who had also been present at the birth of the label , found themselves in financial trouble .
15 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
16 Get a divorce they , they 've never been happy at all since they 've been married have they ?
17 They had already been parachute-trained at Ringway near Manchester and were led by the redoubtable Commandant Bergé , whom Stirling later acknowledged as a co-founder of the SAS .
18 They had all been hard at work ever since .
19 Ask if they have ever been frightened at school and what frightened or upset them .
20 It has also been adept at gaining support , for example for its electrification programme , by lobbying in parliament among MPs known to be interested in the rail sector , including the group of railway union-sponsored members .
21 He could n't remember her name ; her face was as familiar to him as the frontage of the village shop or outline of the church tower ; he had always been hopeless at names .
22 He had always been good at keeping still .
23 He 's always been quick at picking another job up
24 I myself have often been surprised at how quickly so many people feel the benefit .
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