Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [pron] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 So I mean again I realized I had dug a hole for myself with the compressed funding but at the same time I was saying to myself oh yeah there is carry forward here er
2 I mean today I 've I paid all this cash .
3 Well no , well I mean like we do I mean I mean but I mean my gross up about three hundred over Tony 's but I put in many hours right ?
4 Oh yes I mean there I 've I 've I would n't be without my er filter and my er
5 I mean really I mean I ca n't see that before Monday
6 Little I cared then who saw me .
7 ‘ I suppose I came down on impulse , but as soon as I got here I wished I 'd stayed in the house .
8 It 's this really creepy area , a dead-end road in a red-light district , and when I got there I discovered I did n't have my key and he was n't in , so I was locked out .
9 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
10 I had arranged to meet them at Salima 's house , but when I got there she told me that the other two were at Ruksana 's place .
11 The idea was that I 'd go for a fortnight but when I got there she gave me the bum 's rush so I spent a couple of miserable days in France and then hared it back to England .
12 but I knew that before I moved there he says I know better
13 Last night , before I came home he dragged me into his office to work out how much money we spend Pontypool delivering parts to Solihull .
14 I know only he told me he had to go .
15 Everywhere I go like he follows me know what I mean , I 'm sitting up there at one stage and he , he 'd spend a day sort of curls , curls up and cuddles me .
16 Yeah although it did n't , it did n't I w I was n't too concerned about it , I thought well you know I 'm resting er and er I 'm the sort of person who only needs about six hours , if I get six hours I 'm okay erm , you know , on a regular basis I 'm talking about .
17 how , how well they 've enjoyed it this morning I thought well I wished I 'd made the effort
18 But I saw , I went into town yesterday , have n't been into town and I saw er , I 'm just going up past the job centre I had to go to council about me money and I thought well I suppose I ought to make an effort and look in the job centre cos I , I ai n't done because I 've been in catering all the while
19 I thought now what do I do ?
20 So I thought now what do I say , do I drop myself in it or do I say well that was n't , that was Roy , I said well you know I said I must admit I said I I 'm sorry so erm then Roy said well that battery he said was me he said I , I borrowed Geoff 's car again and look the battery fell over in it so I 'm gon na help him er then I sa , a piece of that bloody great went across our French doors and this , there 's a went across
21 I was a Sunday School teacher erm when I was in my secondary school and I wondered what God would want me to do with my life when I left school and I thought maybe he wants me to be a missionary and I thought it was only teachers and doctors that could be missionaries I was wrong was n't I ?
22 I think you 're pretty good at english and punctuation I think well you tell me what do you think you 've got to concentrate on ?
23 I said anyway I want I want to get home to June in the morning I said cos me and June are going shopping .
24 I said well we had I said I had a bit of a run in with the lady who ran it , I did n't agree that he should be compelled to do singing which she thought he should I said and we had a decided it cos he .
25 So I said well you tell me the number .
26 I always find I say to Kim you know I mean you have all these you know it 's like Shaun 's giving up he 's giving up his karate and his football and I said well you know I 'm sorry but she should n't have let him .
27 So I thought now what do I say , do I drop myself in it or do I say well that was n't , that was Roy , I said well you know I said I must admit I said I I 'm sorry so erm then Roy said well that battery he said was me he said I , I borrowed Geoff 's car again and look the battery fell over in it so I 'm gon na help him er then I sa , a piece of that bloody great went across our French doors and this , there 's a went across
28 I said well you see I was making a time machine and all I needed was one more microchip and what was sitting right up under my nose ?
29 I said well I thought I 'd , er the doctor advised me to actually .
30 And I said to him , I said well I hope I do n't mind er me ringing the doctor , well he said no that 's what we 're here for .
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