Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [verb] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and I 'd just peeled an orange to be honest
2 I 'd just had an idea for a way of doing Lear and it had brought me luck .
3 I 'd also got an injunction against him because he became violent , and that was all right for a bit .
4 But even they were n't having anything to do with me any more , after I 'd definitely detected an edge of sarcasm in the person 's voice and lost my temper and started shouting and swearing .
5 I 'd never met an off-worlder who knew where they were , or cared .
6 ‘ My job as deputy chief whip is to get MPs to pull their weight , so I thought I 'd better set an example . ’
7 Me , I think I 'd better take an interest in this philosopher person .
8 Knowing nothing about the likely sums involved , or the intentions of Viola 's younger son , the discussion was inconclusive , but as he stopped his car outside its magnificent , unpaid-for garage , Desmond said : ‘ I think I 'd better keep an eye on young Hilary . ’
9 ‘ I suppose you think I came here demanding an apology , ’ she said coldly .
10 But I decided instead to take an offer from Bantam Books , a publisher more oriented toward the popular market .
11 I ca n't stand to see people being cruel to animals it absolutely appals me , it does really , I feel like to take an axe to them
12 So then I went secretly to have an abortion , and my mother-in-law found out about that too .
13 Mm , no , let me have those then , cos I do sometimes poach an egg
14 ‘ Well , I 'ave ter keep an eye on Rachel when she 's 'avin' 'er afternoon nap , ’ Carrie said sharply .
15 The next morning it 's back here and I said well make an appointment to see him then .
16 I had already begun an outline for another book and for that I needed some local colour in an Eastern bloc country .
17 I had already employed an attendant , Toril , who had come over from Norway at the end of July to help me during and after my move .
18 All of a sudden , I found myself in a festive gathering , as I had absent-mindedly gatecrashed an exhibition launch at the Gallery of Photography .
19 Incomprehensible as it may seem , he and I had never shared an embrace .
20 By the time I had finished my Kachin fieldwork I had only to attend an animal sacrifice as a passive observer and then notice how the meat of the sacrifice was shared out among " the congregation and I could know , even down to quite line detail , the precise hierarchy and mutual relationship of everyone present , which might be thirty or more individuals altogether .
21 The cows I could see grazed on and on , and I was trying to remember if I had ever seen an ox grazing instead of working .
22 I did n't want to be smarmy and say ‘ Well , I 've already got an album deal , actually ’ .
23 I 've nearly had an accident there myself rushing to get to work on earlies .
24 I 've just spent an hour and a quarter waiting for him not to be here . ’
25 I 've just taken an aerobics class and did n't have time to change . ’
26 I 've just bought an armchair from Adams which I 'm very pleased with .
27 And since I 've just sworn an oath to this effect , it might seem pointless to offer further assurances , particularly since I ca n't back them up .
28 I 've just had an idea , Dexter . ’
29 I 've just had an idea , ’ said the first .
30 I 've just had an omelette and salad in the dining-room . ’
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