Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pers pn] [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean they 're just things that the human body does .
2 Well I mean they 're only part sets .
3 I mean they 're very sort of vandal easy or whatever .
4 I mean they 're really shit they are .
5 This was a anti-tank and it fired a bomb and of course we put a demonstration on firing this and then we was up the Bell Lane end and right at the top by Bailey 's farm there was a row of seats , benches , along the walk there and of course the demonstration was we 'd show them imagine those seats are tanks course we never thought in the world we should ever even get near one anyway we hit one and broke it Cos they , they , I mean they was only dummies , they were n't , I mean there was no explosive just the dummy shell you know and we , we was quite pleased with ourselves being as we 'd got an audience .
6 I mean it 's just bog standard bearings now .
7 Now , what I 'd like to do , I mean it 's only sun shining out there so you 'd only be wasting your time anyway , I 'd like to consult you about moving on and getting in the next four motions on union organization .
8 If he 's going to be miserable I mean it 's only nursery it does n't really matter .
9 We never had this problem years ago , I mean it 's only do-gooders who stopped the stuff we used to use years ago which was a reasonable price , who 's caused all these problems .
10 Well I mean it 's often things that people do in their spare time the , the record keeping is n't perfect and , and
11 That 's why I 'm glad that WISE thing , I mean it 's about time they bloody realized — I 'm convinced that once a woman gets into science she 's just as good as if not better than , any man .
12 it 's an awful day but I mean it 's still money at the end of the road
13 Saying cash I mean it 's still cash in n it ?
14 I mean it was just day before yesterday I walked up with him .
15 Well like I mean I said to him I do n't think , you know I mean it was just ideas I think he said I 'm not saying do it .
16 I mean it was only Margaret 's sister , you see Margaret came from a large family , so there was always
17 I mean it was only months ago cos it 's only a while ago that Tim came .
18 I would n't say there was much between the two teams apart from the first half here this afternoon when United , I have n't seen United dominate a side so much for a very long time , and really , I mean you were here Peter , three or four nil at half time would not have been a bad reflection on United 's performance in any way at all .
19 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
20 ‘ Well , then — ’ Alice walked across the kitchen to the open fireplace and , bending towards the oven at the side of it , she opened the door and took out a casserole dish and placed it on the table before she went on , ‘ If that 's how you 're feeling I think it 's about time you got yourself married . ’
21 Mind you , I do n't I , I think it were yesterday morning I oh no it were Monday morning .
22 I realized we were still worlds apart .
23 Erm I stress it is just speculation but what do you think ?
24 Interviewed on BBC Radio Four 's Today programme , Swales said : ‘ I would love to keep going , but I realise it is probably time for someone else to have a go .
25 I expect it 's just coincidence .
26 Yeah fine erm but as I say it 's just sort of you know kind of minor layout changes , that 's all I was suggesting
27 . However , after about eighteen month at , as a yard foreman , as I say I was still branch secretary of Portobello branch , and carrying on as usual , er I put in for There were this yard inspectors job wanted at Street Station .
28 I says they 're only sun glasses .
29 Er I du n no I hope it 's only shorties , so I can get in the team !
30 Yeah , I guessed it was certainly vineyards , I 'm you know , quick like that , you know .
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