Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When the Minister next talks to the local authorities about this issue , will he point out that many of them no longer give rehousing priority to ex-service personnel , but expect them to go through the normal homeless families procedures ?
2 Er with reference to the great pestilence er makes me think of the original great pestilence , the Black Death and of course er contaminated individuals be put in a pest house far away from places of habitation but they can contaminate others which one ca n't help thinking that it would be quite a good policy has commissioned .
3 He handed me a toffee , climbed into his car , beckoned me to sit on the other front seat for a few minutes , and removed the celluloid sidescreen to give us more fresh air .
4 I repeat to the right hon. Gentleman that I have said no such thing , and neither in context has my right hon. Friend the Chancellor .
5 That afternoon she and I devised in the small front room of our lodgings ( pliant landlady , audience of children ) a double act : the Carruthers Sisters .
6 This is an important part of what I intend by the transnational capitalist class ( TCC ) , but with two important differences .
7 ‘ Burt and I met in the early Seventies and became really good friends .
8 I agreed with the other hon. Member who mentioned radios in cabs — they are being introduced into all new cabs and into existing cabs .
9 ‘ I have ended up with my children in a Women 's Hostel , still black and blue after the battering I got from the drunken unfaithful bully I was stupid enough to marry .
10 The relevance of the lengthy preliminary exposition which I devoted to the modern Freudian theory of society should now begin to become apparent .
11 In terror , I peered along the great wide lateral arms of the cathedral .
12 I disagree with the right hon. Member for Guildford .
13 When she left in the evening , I wandered through the great empty building .
14 Determined not to re-enter blind institution life , I headed for the nearby technical college who would n't have me either .
15 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
16 When I intervened in the right hon. Gentleman 's speech he replied in such confusion that I thought it best to give him time to reflect , and to ask my question again later .
17 I came across the following handwritten entry :
18 I developed so much skill that I could put together a 50 or 60 break and when I moved to York I played for the local Conservative club and reached the final of the York and District competition .
19 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
20 MENZIESHILL secured the Division I title in the Scottish Indoor League for the third successive year when old rivals MIM beat second-placed Kelburne 7-6 at the Dick McTaggart Centre in Dundee .
21 When it began to grow dark I noticed through the little connecting window that he did n't put his light on ; this alarmed me , somehow .
22 I look to the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook when I say that I am not clear about the precise intention that lies behind the phrase in new clause 2 , which refers to ’ satisfactory access to advice and representation ’ — this is for applicants — ’ from advisers and representatives of their choice ’ .
23 Now I look at the confident sexual swagger of young men with more than a faint envy .
24 Coleman 's will , dated 1 July 1839 , provided for the founding of a Coleman prize : ‘ Also , I give to the Royal Veterinary College , at the expiration of three years from my decease , the sum of one hundred and sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence , 3 per Cent .
25 It was , therefore , with sadness that I read of the British Olympic Association 's petty , bigoted decision to withhold recognition of the Paralympics team .
26 In last year 's statement I commented upon the challenging economic conditions which resulted from a base interest rate of 14.0% and inflation at 10.9% .
27 ‘ I think I need 350,000 points to guarantee selection , and I will pass that total if I finish in the top two tomorrow , ’ said Lane .
28 It began to rain , so I dodged into the Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart .
29 I stand before the pure white Host ,
30 It 's a concept I adapted from the American presidential campaigns .
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