Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know why I bother with you at all .
2 If anything — if I agree with you at all — that is surely why a war is necessary ?
3 That 's what I think of him when I think of him at all . ’
4 Nobody knows about it at all , ’ said the parson .
5 Never once had she referred to it at all .
6 Did n't you think of Him at all ? ’
7 I include them here to encourage you to write about anything at all .
8 ‘ Did you speak to him at all , Delia ? ’
9 If she believed in anything at all then it was that .
10 Do you believe in them at all ?
11 have you thought about it at all ?
12 Did you hear from her at all after you left Naples ? ’
13 ‘ Do you hear from her at all ? ’
14 ‘ Do n't you wonder about him at all ?
15 But whatever she was up to — and it was something — she spent days ticking and marking the party guest list , a thick , creamy piece of paper she kept with her at all times .
16 Did she talk about herself at all ?
17 Nothing to do with me at all .
18 and they put an article in saying , it 's got nothing to do with it at all !
19 The generations of this century will , in their turn , hand on to the next generation the archaic unconscious problems , unless the guilt becomes too strong , the rebellion so great , the need to kill and be killed so overwhelming that we hand on nothing at all .
20 It was a relief when others came , others who took no notice of her but , if they thought of her at all , must think her as seasoned a traveller as they .
21 African independence , when they thought of it at all , seemed an eventuality so far into the future as to possess no relevance to their working lives .
22 The Germans , where they thought about it at all , regarded Poles of all varieties as uncivilised upstarts whom they loathed for their backwardness , presumption and ambition , and this was a judgement that many East Prussian Poles accepted .
23 Gallup ( in the UK ) and Starch ( in the USA ) used to run so-called ‘ reading and noting ’ surveys regularly , in which readers of a magazine are taken through the last issue and questioned about every page — whether they looked at it at all ; read some of it ; read all of it ; etc .
24 Our constituents look to us to obtain redress ; if the only satisfaction that we can give them is to say that the matter is out of our hands , it will not be long before they begin to wonder why they voted for us at all .
25 If they think about it at all , they think of a mythical golden age when children at school were naturally obedient , and , if not , were forced to learn and to remember what they were told .
26 Did they come to you at all ?
27 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
28 I wonder if it counts for anything at all when it comes to expressing more profound thought .
29 When tonight those Tory MPs have all voted for the Prime Minister 's motion — for different and often conflicting reasons — the Prime Minister will claim that his motion has given him a mandate for Maastricht , when he stands for nothing at all .
30 What he thought of Canon Wheeler , if he thought of him at all , he had never , in his gentlemanly fashion , revealed to anyone .
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