Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [pron] a few " in BNC.

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1 I must say I 've only grown two maincrop this year , I 've been clearing some new ground and I 've just grown King Edward and Pink Fir Apple , I 've got the biggest biggest Pink Fir Apples you have ever seen bar none but I 'm coming back to you now Fred , I put to you a few minutes ago , your personal recommendations for the best three or four or five potatoes for the different cooking purposes .
2 ‘ Dylan as an actor and as an explosive performing force was a dangerous rival for other actors , as I know , for I worked with him a few times or several , and once for instance a director [ Douglas Cleverdon ] said to him — we were rehearsing a radio play at the time — Dylan , will you take the words ‘ Mam !
3 I mean , when our Bon was learning I went with her a few times she frightened the life out of me !
4 ‘ Miss Tildy , ’ he said , ‘ I want to say that I 'm sorry for what I did to you a few days ago .
5 A friend of mine came to you a few months back .
6 Cedric , on the other band , though obviously delighted to meet her , gave no hint of doing his part , After sniffing her over , he danced around her a few times , goofy-faced , tongue lolling .
7 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
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