Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I believe that if the Institute were to make one of its inspections , it would not find anything to give them cause for concern over the way in which we have conducted our professional work , ’ Ms Harris says .
2 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
3 Flockmasters need no reminding that an industry which grew like Topsy over the past decade , has now entered a painful sort-out period .
4 Marx in the notebooks is opposed to McLennan , Maine , Phear , and other who disagreed with Morgan over the commonality of the gens , principally because they saw society growing out of the individual monogamous family with its private property .
5 I remember we came to blows over the Queen Mother thing .
6 Erm I wo n't dwell on York city centre and its historic core because you 're all clearly aware of that , but it its setting was accepted at the greenbelt enquiry as being sufficiently important to warrant protection wider than just its physical , existing physical limits , erm the special protection was accorded also to the the special character rather was accorded also to the surrounding countryside , much of which is very attractive , and many of the typical Yorkshire small villages and hamlets that surround the area as well , er and we 're clearly in a position in Greater York which is different from the position that arises in many other counties and many other districts within this county , we 're in a position of grave shortage of suitable , developable land , we 're in a position of high quality er character , and landscape , we 're in a position where York , in particular , has extremely good transportation links , to the Leeds Bradford conurbation , where we discuss at length over the last two days there are policies for urban regeneration , subject to regional planning guidance in that area erm and we 're in a position where quite clearly York is under pressure , a great deal of pressure from migrants , er because it 's a it 's an attractive location to live .
7 and there 's a white one coming in look over the end of the jetty there
8 We stamped in silence over the snow-covered dunes .
9 Here I shall find you , Céline , soul of my soul , he told the summits of Arthur 's Seat as they rose into view over the flats of Dunbar .
10 The artillery bombardment was such that the starving and bewildered Russians could not withstand it ; they retreated in disorder over the frontier .
11 They swarmed like lice over the camp , and there was a battle being waged at the boat which men were trying to push out of the shallows whilst others held off the beasts .
12 They went to Morocco over the 1952 Christmas period , partly because Paul Bowles ' The Sheltering Sky had made Morocco and especially Tangiers the place to go .
13 So , when the subject under debate is the country 's richest cultural jewel , feelings are likely to run at least as high as they did in Paris over the pyramid at the Louvre or in London over the National Gallery extension .
14 They remained in control over the means of mass communications but those whose work or views they had long ignored were now clamouring for access .
15 Felipe de Santis sat at the wheel , his eyes dark and irritated as he approached at speed over the rough ground .
16 Three tiers high , its roof steeply pitched , it rested on stilts over the meeting point of the two broad irrigation canals that ran north-south and east-west , feeding the great latticework of smaller channels .
17 He died before he went to trial over the matter .
18 He looked at Withel over the top of the paper .
19 If the adventurers are a talkative bunch , you might allow the Oracle to reminisce fondly over the counsel he gave to Drachenfels over the years .
20 When he thought of the law , his chosen profession , his head filled with the savour of dust ; he could taste it on his tongue , mousey and dry , and smell the foist of the archives where he had to pore over the huge books of cases , statutes , precedents .
21 A grater/peeler one end and a , and an ordinary knife the other , , I mean if , if it have to candle over the top , you had them
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