Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [conj] they 're [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They have , yes they 're er they 're good value those a pot , I mean but they 're reasonably when did you get it ?
2 Bu bu , but I mean but they 're not expecting to have it on a plate !
3 I mean if they 're just sort of four foot things I mean it 's not you know I think .
4 I mean if they 're not .
5 I mean if they 're not gon na use the building and they ca n't sell it , gut it .
6 I mean if they 're only giving three marks for it you 're not going to do a lot of geometry and all sorts of constructions and complicated things .
7 ‘ If someone looks like they 're not having a good time , or they look like they 're acting , the tape is rejected .
8 ‘ If someone looks like they 're not having a good time , or they 're looking at their watch , or they look like they 're acting , then the tape is rejected . ’
9 You never liked to do the jobs I say because they 're always pooey jobs
10 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
11 He removed it before saying venomously , ‘ Well , I hope if they 're ever in Louise Butler 's position , they 're treated better than you treated that girl .
12 Yeah I know but they 're not exactly over run with them are they ?
13 I might want to poke my tongue out at those new cameras as I slow down to pass them , but deep down even I know that they 're there for my protection .
14 as oh that 's good , I feel that they 're now acid and alkalis , seem to be important , I 've done I 've put a lot of effort into them , maybe just a quick glance at those occasionally to keep up to date .
15 I think those are the sorts of differences I observe and they 're not to do with whether I 'm a protestant or a Catholic , but what kind of human being I am almost .
16 Was it Monday , no it was yesterday , I was in the loo and I could hear this paper being ripped and I thought oh they 've got one of my club catalogues , I did n't think any more of it and then I could hear Joseph going weee , I thought what the devil 's he got , so went out , Joseph has got the flying circus bus that was meant for Charlotte and him and , Brenda and Charlotte was sharing the , the , garage thing that I 've brought so I thought well now it 's out , well they 're not going to keep all that till I said to him whatever is Father Christmas going to say , I said he 's supposed to be taking these away to bring I said er , what 's Father Christmas gon na say ? , no Ben forget , so I thought while they 're out I could see Joseph 's playing a lot , way with this bus thing , he was having a whale of a time , he thought that was great , so I said to Charlotte I said do you like that bus ?
17 Gon na have some of them there 's three I think and they 're really long ones .
18 I wonder if they 're still doing them ?
19 Yeah so if they 're still selling bolster cases I wonder if they 're still selling bolsters somewhere ?
20 I said and they 're very happy and ninety nine percent of the people on this site are happy .
21 Oh you can keep going though totally over the top I thought well Joseph 's was twelve ninety nine and Ben 's was fourteen nineteen ninety nine and that 's just tough that I 've got you know , I ca n't get Charlotte 's any cheaper than that , but , I mean they 're not gon na know how much I 've , they 're not gon na say well you 've got five pound more than what I have cos they 're not of that age so , that 's how I 've left it , that 's what I 'm gon na do , I 'll get her the circus and then they can swap them over and Joseph will be happy that he got something on wheels
22 erm Yes , certainly , I , I would suggest East and St Clements because they have got quite high ethnic populations , and we can perhaps be hoping to start there , because Environmental Health 's already worked there , targeting some of the multi-occupation properties , so they 've got a very high proportion of black people living there , which means that they 're also quite important in the sense of deprivation , but , I mean , we are also very conscious that we should be working on a council estate , and what we , what I would like to do is to simultaneously be starting working in erm a particular sets of communities , is to be given work in consultation in other wards , so that you know , six months down the line before .
23 Make them understand that they 're not going to have it all their own way .
24 She says that they 're always changing boundaries — it 's crazy .
25 When you know that they are sort of negative and they do n't really talk to you as a person , you know that they 're not really bothered about what happens to you .
26 And I mean I think women tend to be inv having to cope with things like school and er and health and you know they 're a at the grass roots if you like of you know at the receiving end of you know say cuts in in services like that and bus services and just quality of rural life and I mean the quality of life in Blaenau is depopulation and unemployment and you know and and in a sense there is lot of scope for women to break down the barriers of you know cos it is true that the the Councillors they 're supposed to represent the people or whatever tend to be quite well to do they 've done it thank you very much and then oh you know they 've got the time on their hands and they tend to be men and s school ex school teachers ex You know and they 're not having to cope with really situations that go will put them in touch with what it 's like not to have a bus service or not to have proper health care and this sort of thing you know .
27 You know if they 're there , they 'll have it .
28 She feels that they 're not really interested as long as , you know
29 ‘ What games can you play when they 're so little ? ’
30 She says er but she said but they 're just trying to work it out .
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