Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [conj] [pers pn] [is] only " in BNC.

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1 I know but it 's only giving you one
2 I believe that it is only by going back to the basics and debating questions such as ‘ What do you want from the audit process ?
3 I suppose that it 's only when you have the financial means that you get the treatment everyone deserves .
4 I think that it 's only a fear of women but it 's also a belief in the innate or or learn superiority of men over women
5 It might save money , but in terms of the environmental impact it is quite disastrous , and I think that it 's only now that the real problems in London for example are coming home to roost , er and I would ask that point to be borne in mind by whoever we decide should make representations to the commissioners .
6 So I said if it 's only for a mile it 's going to be well less than a minute at eighty , presuming you were doing more than thereabouts and er that was it .
7 Erm , can I say that it 's only last year that we organised that video for secured car parks , and employed a blooming outside presenter to do it , and that cost us twelve thousand quid , and that were at Derby and they made an excellent bloody video of it did n't they ?
8 Of course ten billion is an enormous number of people , but it does n't seem quite so alarming a figure when you realise that it 's only twice the current population of the world .
9 ‘ I hope you realise that it is only on account of the entreaty of Taheb that I see you , Huy , ’ were his words of greeting .
10 That 's right , but , but you know that it 's only the , are only one of the major supermarket chains that gives money to organization and one of the organizations in Glasgow there was an article in the Scotsman or the Herald the other day and I must n't quote names because I can be wrong , but one of them and there were major s major stores selling food as well as actual food retailers cited , but only one of them will give food that 's past its sell-by date or surplus or whatever for one of the Glasgow charities for the homeless .
11 And , well Fred opens them himself you see because it 's only now and again he has them .
12 If you go to a house and you realize that it 's only a very small house and it 's a very big van you 'll only pack it up that way because you 're packing faster by doing it that way .
13 Having firmly rejected this device for the other adjective constructions discussed so far ( not excluding the postnominal attributive ) , we consider that it is only in Sections 4.5 onwards that we have encountered a construction where the adjective can reasonably be treated in this way .
14 However , we believe that it is only right to point out that we are not a specialist tour operator in the field of holidays for the disabled .
15 Well it all depends if it 's value for money because we er , we fe we felt that it 's only one day .
16 At four and a half thousand pound of sales we start to pay extra fift in fact at four thousand pound we start but it 's only a small bonus so I home in on the bigger one .
17 A herd of deer on the African plains may feed undisturbed when a lioness walks among them , if they perceive that she is only out for a stroll .
18 and they add that it is only reasonable to do so ; for the parrot alone can give a good imitation of the human voice .
19 However they put aside their competitiveness ( the Caledonian and Balmoral in Edinburgh , for example , are fighting for exactly the same guests ) because they know that it is only by working together , as one body , that they will attract visitors to Scotland in the first place .
20 He is probably also right when he says that he is only seen as a Spanish artist because his interest lies in Spanish art , instead of in French art ‘ like everyone else' : in other words , within the accepted categories there is no room for a Mexican who is interested in Spanish art . '
21 He repeated this over and over , as if he believed that it is only " they " whoever they were , told him how to act , then everything would be all right .
22 It is interesting to note that stereo sound is already featured on some video recorders and camcorders , and it seems that it is only a matter of time before it becomes standard as for sound recorders .
23 Undoubtedly , he would think an action the better the more it augmented happiness , but it seems that it is only wrong , for him , if it actually augments unhappiness .
24 AT&T Co says it is studying a device that would turn an ordinary television set into a terminal that could call up films , shows and information or act as a video telephone , but it insisted that it is only in the prototype phase and denied a Los Angeles Times story that a field test of the technology would be announced next month ; it would neither confirm nor deny that it is teaming up with BellSouth Corp and Viacom International Inc in the interactive television work .
25 And mine did and mine 's only a , mine was only a sm you know one eight five .
26 Somewhat like Storr he suggests that it is only in overcoming such psychopathology that effective creating can occur — an uncontroversial conclusion but one that scarcely illuminates our understanding .
27 He claims that it 's only ‘ half a solution ’ because most companies run one or two programs that are n't on the Wabi can-run list .
28 He knows that he is only looking at ink on paper , yet his nervous system responds to it in the same kind of way as it might respond to a real woman .
29 Let us pretend that it is only that Grainne is too far above me , and let us continue the pretence , for I do not think I can bear it any other way .
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