Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] been the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 So OK , she had n't been the best dinner companion in the world that evening , but she had n't asked him to take her out , he had asked her .
2 In my view , a although there 's a current debate about this there has not been the fullest public consultation and I would er myself be minded to invoke the er E C directive on this er in order to try and er to make sure that the the public feel they are fully aware of what the proposals are .
3 They 've hardly been the best parents in the world , have they ?
4 ‘ The strange thing is that he has always been the soundest of horses and never taken a lame step in his life .
5 IT HAS not been the best of weeks for managers , a thought with which Graham Souness might agree .
6 It has long been the largest voluntary nature conservation organisation in Europe .
7 Pavel knew that he 'd not been the best company but then , they had n't been treating this job as anything particularly special .
8 It had n't been the best of weekends .
9 It had n't been the greatest operation anyway , because it seemed that Jenner and Professor Liawski had some big argument around ‘ seventy-nine . ’
10 The animal had been plunging towards the shelter of a riverside bamboo grove when he fired and it had probably been the best shot of his life .
11 Until I arrived , he had always been the smallest person in the country ( he was about ten metres tall ) .
12 It 's not been the best of years so far for Jimmy White , who was dubbed the bridesmaid of snooker after losing his fourth world championship final in May .
13 It 's not been the best of times for us result-wise recently which makes it an even better performance . ’
14 At the end of what has not been the easiest of years for trading conditions , I am pleased to say that we are just about on target and set fair for 1993 .
15 What had once been the greatest and most prosperous of Elf realms had effectively ceased to be .
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