Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 He asked me to try and get him a map but this was a difficult thing to do in a place the size of Fontanellato , where hardly anyone possessed even an atlas of the world .
2 Anyway , I stopped and offered her a lift .
3 Such information was not highly ‘ theoretical ’ but it helped build up an objective picture of the people who went to the theatres I studied and gave me a useful corrective to people who made sweeping generalizations such as ‘ the theatre is for everyone . ’
4 ‘ Well , I hope that teaches you a lesson .
5 I turned and gave him a wave , ‘ Do n't wait up for me , I may be late . ’
6 Would it help if I go and lend him a sympathetic ear ? ’
7 She 's looking through this rack of suits so I go and give her a hand .
8 I think the bit that stands up above the horizon is fine , I mean I think that gives you a good idea of what it would have been like had you been able to get the whole , or not perhaps the whole of it , but a lot more of the post up above the horizon simply by getting down lower .
9 Yeah , it 's it 's it 's the build up to it as well , there 's a lot of excitement , I mean , most people it takes about six months to build up to the big day , and then finally it 's there and it all happens and , I think that makes it a lot , exciting for a lot of women .
10 I refused but gave them a couple of biscuits and to their delight took their photographs .
11 Drama school is n't going to teach anybody to act but it does give the vital techniques with which to act and gives you a chance to make mistakes , experiment and find out about yourself .
12 We feed you , keep you warm and give you a roof over your head .
13 She came and made me a ham sandwich and the maid just look at her to eat it now .
14 She turned and threw him a desperate look .
15 Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave .
16 ‘ Would you like me to dig too , or will you stop and make me a cup of coffee ? ’
17 Dared she stop and wish him a happy Christmas ?
18 She had been impressed by his knowledge and his observation and she loved and admired him a little more .
19 ‘ Well , thanks very much , ’ said Dolly , ‘ and why do n't you try and get me a spare face as well , seein' you do n't like the one I 've got ? ’
20 Why do n't you go and give him a surprise , actually pay your husband some attention for once , eh ? ’
21 One younger girl ( herself an accomplished user of Jamaican Creole ) found her mother 's Barbadian a source of amusement : Right , my mum right , when she goes — like some English people go " can you go and get me a glass of water please " mum go — " get me a piece o' waata please " — not [ ] , " [ wa:ta ] " an' 'piece " .
22 W would you go and get me a large pack of
23 go on you go and get me a spoon
24 So she went and gave him a hug .
25 When they reached the door she hesitated and threw him a pleading look .
26 And she says there 's nothing wrong with you she said and gave me a what you call it to p to er protect myself .
27 Celie felt special , Shug made her feel special , especially when she wrote and sung her a song .
28 Once you 've lost as much money as me on the horses — then you come and give me a sermon on gambling , all right ? ’
29 Once inside the lift she pressed the button for the floor she wanted and handed him a folded sheet of paper .
30 Then , at a stroke , something happened that gave him a powerful sense of purpose .
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