Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] have [det] time " in BNC.

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1 I started not having much time for the French and the Walloons , which is to say the French-speaking Belgians , when I found myself among them in 1944 .
2 I do n't have much time for that sort of thing myself , ’ said Wilcox .
3 I DO N'T have much time for visiting , parties , etc. , just work damn hard and collapse at home ’ , John wrote in August 1944 to Hanns Ebensten , back in Johannesburg .
4 I 'm not always very good at saying what I mean , except at work , that is ; I 've been to Europe and the States but never to Nineveh and Distant Ophir ; I do n't have much time — literally — for the arts , though I 'm not against them in any way , you understand ( sometimes there 's a nice concert on the car radio ; like most people I read a book or two on holiday ) ; and I do n't give much of a thought to my clothes beyond looking smart at work and feeling comfortable when I get home .
5 I do n't have much time . ’
6 I do n't have much time to feel lonely . ’
7 ‘ I 'd feel sorry for you , but I 'm afraid I do n't have much time for the poor little rich girl syndrome .
8 I do n't have much time .
9 Now I do n't have much time left .
10 I am not quite sure who it was I sat next to because I am such a slow eater that I did not have much time for conversation .
11 But I did n't have much time for celebrating it in Scotland .
12 This was a Karen I had n't seen before , and one I did n't have much time for , to be frank .
13 The scar was quite big , so I was only able to start my running in June and I did n't have much time to prepare for Tokyo .
14 I have n't had much time to think . ’
15 ‘ I guess I have n't had much time for … fun . ’
16 ‘ It 's a beautiful home with a wonderful music room , but I have n't had any time to enjoy it , ’ he says .
17 I have been on to-day , so I have not had much time , I have wrote to G. Titman to-night .
18 I have never had much time for the more esoteric confections you find all over the place .
19 This morning 's episode at the flat had shaken her up quite a bit , and she needed desperately to have some time to herself in quiet surroundings .
20 ‘ When you spend as much time as we did trying to stop others scoring tries , you do n't have much time to argue with the ref ’ — ZIMBABWE 's REPRESENTATIVE when accepting the World Cup Fair Play Award .
21 In modern tennis , you do n't have this time any more .
22 You do n't have any time for silly trivial things .
23 You do n't have any time off
24 You do n't have enough time for me any more .
25 She did not have much time and believed it would have saved his job .
26 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
27 She did n't have much time .
28 She did n't have much time for Grandad 's artistic flair .
29 He took them all off and that made Constanza laugh at once , but she did n't have much time for him , she was in love with someone else and he had enlisted .
30 What with one thing and another she had n't had much time for sleep last night .
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