Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [det] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , well er well it is , because I mean so many go for the sa da damn same job do n't they ?
2 Oh yes yes er I should say that er Street er Street then you get into Palfrey now you see Palfrey was a little bit less due to the fact that there were a hell of a lot of railway men at work down there , I mean really all belonging to some department on the railway , you get er drivers and all the men and the permanent way of being in Street I mean a lot of people from Palfrey lived down lived in Palfrey was working in the permanent way in Street , so it was a really , Palfrey you could say was a railway community .
3 I really can not come to terms with the fact that I am … there 's lots of interesting work to do — there was in the job I did — and I want so much to identify with that rather than just sit back here and say ‘ I 'm a housewife and I 'm happy ’ … because I could n't be .
4 I noted particularly those purporting to be spoken by Augustine of Hippo , the ninth-century Saxon monk , Gotteschalk , and ‘ Neighbour Pliable ’ from Pilgrim 's Progress .
5 I understand both these belong to Wyresdale Park Estates and I should be very grateful if you could look into the matter and arrange to have them trimmed .
6 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation , and I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation — in the bottom streams in particular — who found that they wanted alternatives to school when they were in an inferior position in the school .
7 And I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottoms streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school , when the , they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams , and so they tended to look for out-of-school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfactions , and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things , and in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way .
8 I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottom streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school when they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams and so they tended to look for out of school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfaction and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things .
9 I think perhaps this applies to all children , adopted or home-grown .
10 I wonder where that comes from ?
11 ‘ Hmm , ’ she said , ‘ I wonder where these came from ? ’
12 I 'm not suited to fatherhood and I had n't any wish to be made ridiculous by paternity suits .
13 Until a year ago I had very little do with women in the sexual sense .
14 I shut out all thought of what was to come .
15 He had called O to the side of the bed , taken hold of his hand and then quietly said to him : please take your clothes off I wish very much to look at you one last time .
16 I have relatively little to do with young people , ’ she remarked ,
17 I must n't die , when I have so much to live for !
18 I wanted so much to put into words , in a novel or a play , all that you and I felt for one another , not just to love love but to inscribe it as George Eliot and Willa Cather had done .
19 I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them , but I knew I must stay in the hut .
20 I wanted very much to say to Colonel Vaughan .
21 Deborah works from a tiny office , alone except for one part-time secretary , and I wanted very much to talk about this tiny charity and her hopes for its growth .
22 There is also the ‘ to-hell-with-them-all ’ vote of the dispossessed , increasingly common throughout Europe , which has precious little to do with specific constitutional demands .
23 It is an opportunity given to few to lead in the creation of a new Department of State , especially one which has so much to contribute to your own vision of improving the quality of life in this country .
24 Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells which means only those selected by the Loremasters of Hoeth ever find the true path to the tower .
25 She describes friendship in terms which have rather less to do with sexuality than with religion .
26 Nobody knows whereabouts this occurs in the brain .
27 Can you , can you think where that came from , that book ?
28 It is the older wife in a divorce case , who has no recent contact with the labour market or a poor earning capacity , who has sometimes much to lose through the ending of her marriage .
29 And do you know when that stopped at all ?
30 Do you know where that came from that book ?
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