Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 I was waiting for Professor Avenarius whom I 'd occasionally met here for a chat .
2 For years I carried a secret guilt that when I had been wounded — and seven of my men killed — I had not done enough for them or those that remained .
3 I felt a little ashamed that I had never cared enough for any of my father 's relatives to give even a thought to their reactions to the prospect of an irregular addition to the family .
4 Edwards said : ‘ The most I had ever scored before for Wigan was four tries — I never dreamt I 'd score ten .
5 Thorstvedt said : ‘ I 've never played better for the club . ’
6 ‘ I think we can do better than that , ’ he returned smoothly , and , making her heart spurt with activity again , ‘ I 've merely returned home for some papers .
7 I 'm not an expert — I 've only lived there for a couple of years . ’
8 you know when Les , oh she says there 's been about half a dozen people at that paint shop , sends chops and changes she said she said , she said I have n't lived there for three and a half years
9 I said , I have n't come here for that .
10 I have n't come here for a history lesson , ’ said the Doctor .
11 I have never cared much for men who are all man : they are the ones who smugly believe they must be irresistible to me , and take elaborately cautious steps to protect their priceless male virginity from what they seem to imagine will be my marauding hands .
12 This was the new name of a group which had already existed informally for a few years , with a number of representatives from well-known " reforming " Edinburgh families on its committee : the McLarens , Mairs and Stevensons for instance .
13 It was decided at the Brdo kod Kranja meeting to hold by the end of May a separate referendum in each republic except Slovenia , which had already voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] .
14 Even his own notorious plant , which had consistently gone downhill for ten years under his active leadership , had been steadily increasing efficiency and output for several weeks without interruption .
15 She was as white as a ghost , and her eyes were shadowed as if she had n't slept properly for weeks .
16 Strange as it seems , I believe that she had not done so for many years .
17 She had not come here for that ; it was another problem that she must take on , but not now , not here .
18 In 1897 , the social investigator E. F. Hogg reported the case of a furpuller who had not left home for weeks .
19 Luckily Mike Farquharson who had only come offshore for two days and ended up staying a week , volunteered to cover until my colleague Jim Gibb arrived . ’
20 At Bhamdoun , a hill resort with a little railway station , an ornate French signal box and a clutch of mosques and apartment blocks built by the Saudis who had once gone there for their summer holidays , Syrian shellfire had smashed into the shops and flats , punching a hole into the wall of the Carlton Hotel .
21 ( 8 ) Hoorays love Indian food and on non-party nights ( Mondays ) , you will find them in groups of eight or ten , stuffing down chicken dopiaza and naan bread with all the vengeance of people who have n't eaten properly for days .
22 and therefore you can have a situation where , I mean if the Queen is there for another twenty years say , say the situation in twenty years time where you have king on throne and a queen who have not lived together for thirty years or whatever years and you know still playing out this
23 Even if you have not lived together for several years , from a national insurance point of view you are still considered to be married .
24 No , but , you , you see what I 'm trying to get at eh Chris , we 've already paid once for this service and then , then asking us to pay again , which annoys me , you 've already paid for the system and there asking you to pay again .
25 Well I , well I say , we 've looked at it slightly different because we 've only , we 've only worked together for five weeks .
26 The evidence that we have briefly reviewed above for various patterns of flip-flop and phonologically conditioned interchanges between adjacent vowels is much richer than anything we can hope to recover from history .
27 Here the ‘ tune ’ is not merely a luxuriating tonal resolution in the relative major , but a radiant affirmation that the struggle is over ( not for long admittedly ) , and that we have all gained immeasurably for having experienced it .
28 But , the old ones that Tom gave me originally they 've not flowered now for about three months yet they 're not dead .
29 People like EMF and Jesus Jones have had a go , but they 've always gone more for the rock aspect , with the technology just tagged on as an afterthought .
30 Bruce Davidson had accompanied McLeish from his last posting to C1 , that division of New Scotland Yard concerned exclusively with murder , and they had now worked together for four years in the CID .
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