Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] at [num] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now I met him at one of the numerous receptions .
2 As for his invitation — if I catch you at 1997 with him or any other man , I 'll revoke my decision about the wedding night , and take you to bed immediately ! ’
3 I know something at twenty past one on B B C two but I would n't like to say what
4 ‘ I know lads who got theirs at eighteen in Cyprus . ’
5 Remember the carnations , we got them at one of the shops , the florist in .
6 They placed it at 7,000 in early 1977 and were far from happy at the knowledge .
7 Being able to capitalize part of her pension would allow her to present herself at one of the main building societies with a deposit , to halve her housing costs , and begin acquiring a capital asset that would last with her into old age .
8 Jacob 's taking advantage of his father 's blindness and frailty , and his deceiving him at one of the most solemn moments of his life , are reminiscent of the shame and humiliation brought to Noah by his son Ham .
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