Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] at [adj] about " in BNC.

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1 Was there no traffic on the Leeds LISTSERV during the weekend , as I received nothing at all about our glorious or not so glorious win , whichever newpaper you bothered to buy at the weekend .
2 Lord Tedder , vice-chairman in the early fifties , admitted that ‘ I know nothing at all about broadcasting , but I can learn .
3 I know nothing at all about television " .
4 Wing Commander the Duke of Hamilton replied : ‘ My instructions are to let it run its course as if I know nothing at all about it .
5 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
6 I knew nothing at all about England , apart from what I had gathered from reading a number of the works of P.G .
7 ‘ Do you know anything at all about cars ? ’ he asked curtly .
8 In response to his prompting remark that ‘ the Jewish problem still has n't been cleared up ’ and ‘ we hear nothing at all about what sort of solution is imagined ’ , only three Party members ( 5 per cent ) expressed open approval of the right to exterminate the Jews , with comments such as : ‘ The Führer has decided upon the extermination of Jewry and promised it .
9 ‘ You have no idea , ’ said Healey , ‘ what it was like before you came into the committee , The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on , with this crazy desire to go there and take things over , that we should side with the Roman Catholics and the Civil Rights movement against the government and the Royal Ulster Constabulary , though we know nothing at all about it . ’
10 We know nothing at all about the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
11 No I think they know nothing at all about business .
12 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
13 On the face of it , it seemed that she was gaining Ana 's confidence , but then Felipe already had her confidence and he knew nothing at all about her blindness .
14 He said nothing at all about his angry chase after her and nothing about her fear .
15 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
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