Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] at [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now I met him at one of the numerous receptions .
2 As for his invitation — if I catch you at 1997 with him or any other man , I 'll revoke my decision about the wedding night , and take you to bed immediately ! ’
3 Was there no traffic on the Leeds LISTSERV during the weekend , as I received nothing at all about our glorious or not so glorious win , whichever newpaper you bothered to buy at the weekend .
4 I know something at twenty past one on B B C two but I would n't like to say what
5 Lord Tedder , vice-chairman in the early fifties , admitted that ‘ I know nothing at all about broadcasting , but I can learn .
6 I know nothing at all about television " .
7 Wing Commander the Duke of Hamilton replied : ‘ My instructions are to let it run its course as if I know nothing at all about it .
8 My eye followed the light cloud of her smoke , now here , now there , above the plain , according to the devious curves of the stream , but always fainter and farther away , till I lost it at last behind the mitre-shaped hill of the great pagoda ( 6 ) .
9 Other sentences have a similar type of structure , and tend to end in a similar evocation of vastness and remoteness , as the eye reaches its limit of vision : " under the enormous dome of the sky " ; " the monotonous sweep of the horizon " ; " as if the impassive earth had swallowed her up without an effort , without a tremor " ; " till I lost it at last behind the mitre-shaped hill of the great pagoda " .
10 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
11 I knew nothing at all about England , apart from what I had gathered from reading a number of the works of P.G .
12 The truth is I had nothing at all in the bottle — it was empty because I 'd forgotten to get new supplies .
13 Erm , I have nothing at all through me , erm , no action 's come and er no information really , there is this change of co-ordinates up erm
14 ‘ I 'm sorry , Ruby , I have nothing at all of his .
15 Have you ever been working on a program late at night that throws up error codes with a number such as ‘ ERROR CODE 201 ’ which means nothing at all to you .
16 ‘ I know lads who got theirs at eighteen in Cyprus . ’
17 ‘ Do you know anything at all about cars ? ’ he asked curtly .
18 She rang me at half past ten , I 'd forgotten all about it till phone went and I says ooh I 've lost your phone number .
19 She wanted nothing at all from her father and she was about to tell Alain Lemarchand so in no uncertain terms .
20 Remember the carnations , we got them at one of the shops , the florist in .
21 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
22 In response to his prompting remark that ‘ the Jewish problem still has n't been cleared up ’ and ‘ we hear nothing at all about what sort of solution is imagined ’ , only three Party members ( 5 per cent ) expressed open approval of the right to exterminate the Jews , with comments such as : ‘ The Führer has decided upon the extermination of Jewry and promised it .
23 ‘ You have no idea , ’ said Healey , ‘ what it was like before you came into the committee , The prime minister was always demanding active intervention early on , with this crazy desire to go there and take things over , that we should side with the Roman Catholics and the Civil Rights movement against the government and the Royal Ulster Constabulary , though we know nothing at all about it . ’
24 We know nothing at all about the author of The Cloud of Unknowing .
25 There seemed nothing at all like this from what she had observed of Liza 's and John 's relationship .
26 No I think they know nothing at all about business .
27 They placed it at 7,000 in early 1977 and were far from happy at the knowledge .
28 Well now , what they 've done something which I think if there as I said to you in the first place , if they 'd have run their cards played their cards right , they could have said to that fellow ‘ look you 've got no rights to be here , we never gave you planning ’ what 's wrong with this planning people , they step here and they step there , there 's people do things without planning permission , they do nothing at all about it , if I was to go and stick something up in my front garden , they 'd come along and say ‘ hey , . ’
29 Being able to capitalize part of her pension would allow her to present herself at one of the main building societies with a deposit , to halve her housing costs , and begin acquiring a capital asset that would last with her into old age .
30 Perhaps they reflect nothing at all except the accidents of conception : but I suspect that there is often , in fact , a buried clue here , and that if we could unearth it we should know something about the early growth of many market towns that no documents will ever tell us .
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