Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Everyone understands what is to be done .
2 " May I know who is to be my husband ? "
3 I heard there were to be fireworks , ’ Sean said .
4 Schelenberg said ’ I suppose he 's to be trusted , this Vagas ?
5 I delivered what was to be my longest speech of the evening , saying that I gathered he was keen to talk about his role , to talk about Gary .
6 Erm , it is particularly impressive to see so many plus signs on the budget , particularly and I think there 's to be I assume this is a standard thing
7 I think he is to be pitied because all he does is make enemies for himself .
8 But I think it 's to be welcomed that a medical panel will be established .
9 ‘ I thought I said there were to be no unaccompanied flights ? ’ she snaps .
10 I said there was to be a sale , but I would ask the solicitor ; and afterwards , when he came to take the barometer away , he took it down from the wall very , very gently .
11 Might I congratulate you on the birth of Henry , or Harry as I notice he is to be called from the announcement in the papers .
12 This agrees extremely well with the fact that ( 20 ) is closely equivalent to ( 22 ) : ( 22 ) that is precisely the one It also provides us with a very satisfying explanation of the subtle difference between ( 23 ) and ( 24 ) ; ( 23 ) , with its non-restrictive relative seems at least somewhat odd , whereas ( 24 ) with its restrictive relative is quite acceptable , and so is ( 25 ) which has a non-restrictive relative but lacks the word very : ( 23 ) the very axe , which killed him , is to be sold ( 24 ) the very axe which killed him is to be sold ( 25 ) the axe , which killed him , is to be sold The reason is that the definite article indicates that some means of recognition is available to the audience .
13 Such consultation was undertaken through a Great Council , from which evolved what was to be recognized as a parlement or Parliament .
14 If the key requested is 24 , then the index table will be searched to see in which block it is to be found .
15 ‘ But as you say what 's to be found ?
16 She says she 's to be in Leningrad for a day or two — she 's on location at Lake Baikal — to meet Mrs Reagan on her flying visit to the Hermitage .
17 Their goods were to be confiscated and all who protected them were to be pronounced excommunicate .
18 And of the three of us who knew there was to be a young man on his way down to us by that path during the evening , how many have already made the leap forward to give this nameless victim a name , and begin to see certain reasons why it might be expedient for some if he never reached us ?
19 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
20 You said they were to be brought as soon as they were drawn up . ’
21 After all , she knows what is to be done .
22 But I do not think it is this threat alone which explains the sick feeling of dread — rather like the feeling of a man who knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight — which clouds the prospect of a Labour victory .
23 As no vocal chords as we know them are to be found in the larynx , the sounds emitted probably come from the lips of the larynx .
24 Spokeswoman Lesley Austin , who lives on Bow Street , said : ‘ We know there is to be a washroom at the rear of the building .
25 Top talks as if it rested with me to settle who were to be the Unionist candidates for the constituencies .
26 And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth .
27 One of the things they taught me was to be independent of doctrine , for their separate advice to me was contradictory .
28 ‘ I think they know what 's to be done , Mrs Crumwallis , ’ said Hilary Frome , coming in from the sitting-room and taking immediate charge .
29 They 'd found out MacQuillan was buying guns for terrorists , so they decided he was to be stopped . ’
30 But I like to think they knew I was to be married .
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