Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] for [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I admired them for doing openly what many women do in secret or under the respectable cover of marriage .
2 Susie smiled when I thanked her for putting up with me .
3 Can I thank you for coming today , th th the media often has lots of comments from the chattering classes , saying unhealthy , British democracies , cos they only concentrate on this place .
4 ‘ And I envy you for living here in these surroundings . ’
5 I did n't chew my nails with regret at giving him my virginity , furious at my weakness in lying down for him , and taking this boy in my arms just because he was English , a citizen of that great nation which had once ruled half the globe : nor did I blame myself for clinging on to an idea even though it meant severing my links with my country , and travelling to London alone without any member of my family .
6 I use them for breaking down annual goals , to monthly goals .
7 It 's a company flat ; I keep it for entertaining mostly .
8 ‘ Still , I liked you for standin' up for me like you did .
9 I blame myself for looking on and allowing you to poison their minds .
10 Everyone admires her for working so hard , for thrashing herself relentlessly to entertain the troops and keep the fans happy .
11 She done us for skating up the fucking
12 She admired him for betraying neither bafflement nor contempt .
13 She hated herself for backing down , but what could she do ?
14 It sounded ridiculously lame and she cursed herself for sounding so weak and ineffectual , but miraculously he seemed not to notice .
15 I 'm bound to say that I meet a lot of people who praise me for speaking up , but do n't speak up themselves .
16 She despised herself for sounding so defensive , but perhaps if Luke understood he might leave her in peace .
17 Opinion over Dixon 's handling of the riots was divided between those who criticized her for showing too much restraint towards law-breakers , and those who cited her cautious approach as instrumental in calming the disturbances .
18 ‘ Can you forgive me for going away ?
19 They blamed her for splitting up the family and on many occasions were abusive to her .
20 And he hates me for giving in to them , and for seeing how he 's shrunk .
21 It optimises it for distributed massively parallel processing .
22 And I reckon that he 's the sort of person who would turn into someone that would hit someo hit his his woman , because he takes her for granted enough as it is , and that , I reckon that 's how wife battering starts because the husband starts taking the woman for granted so much
23 How long did it take you for to come round ?
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