Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I manipulated you here to punish you and you 're right — I 'm hurting myself as well as you . ’
2 I got someone else to follow her .
3 I got it principally to tow my trailer about but it can hardly get itself along .
4 I say it again to show there is no ill will — ‘ Doth a fountain send forth at the same place , Sweet water and bitter ? ’ '
5 I want you just to close your eyes for one minute everybody please .
6 She said no I think I 'll go home I 'll be alright , so I took her back home about eleven and erm erm I kept phoning her every hour on the hour just to make sure she 's alright , then I said I want you just to promise me one thing you 're not do anything silly , I 'm here , I do n't care what it takes , I 'm here , so she said alright then , so I said it 'll break mum 's heart it 'll break dad 's heart ,
7 I told them always to hold their heads up high because , at the end of the day , this family is as good as any other .
8 I told you just to count them . ’
9 Er we you know I put it away to bring it out , out in here ?
10 I begged him just to let me see her .
11 I was sure the triptych mirror was one of her own treasures and I opened it carefully to see myself as I brushed my hair and applied a quick dab of lipstick , the red paint which marked me as a Westerner as surely as my blue eyes and blondish hair .
12 I teach them never to let anyone outsmart them ; I teach them to better themselves .
13 11 I lift it gently to give her a ride and a feeling the perch is part of me and not the cage .
14 And I beseech you instantly to visit My too much changed son .
15 On the back of Rousselet 's letter he adds : ‘ I ask you please to give my regards to my sisters , to M. Colin , and to M. Louis Hotteterre at the Opera and to M. Louis Hotteterre at the Opera , my godfather , and to all my friends . ’
16 I ask you now to name your own price , and the guarantees you shall have also . ’
17 ‘ Oh , I found her in the fog with a sprained ankle and no home or family , ’ said Joe , ‘ so I brought her here to help her get on her feet in all ways .
18 I used my right to haul him to me , and I use it again to punch his head .
19 I thought it right to feed you , sir , ’ said Fosdyke , ‘ in the style of an English gentleman .
20 I keep it specially to remind me what it was like .
21 I do it only to augment my income . ’
22 Give them a hug , and say ‘ I love you enough to set you free .
23 Oh , I knew I had something else to tell you , your brother got married . ’
24 Now I tend to find I need something else to put me to sleep .
25 I include them here to encourage you to write about anything at all .
26 ‘ I said I wanted you just to say it was n't true that I was going to marry him , ’ she said , less confidently .
27 that people can make their o , they have a balanced education which allows them then to make their own choices about , that things are n't over , I mean if we 've lived in a patriarchal society in which men are in power and that kin , and male sexuality maybe has come through more in sex education , those have been the issues that have been co , ha have been given more importance and female issues have maybe been neglected a little bit and now erm , with Aids as a problem we do n't want to turn out and suddenly become really homo homophobic or really , you know , right condoms , condoms , it has to be you know , you need to kind of keep the balance so that people are given the information and then have the freedom to make the choice themselves .
28 What if she had had a threatening letter which worried her enough to make her turn to pills ? ’
29 the schizophrenic will clearly have a far more intense experience of any given present of the world than we do , since our own present is always part of some larger set of projects which force us selectively to focus our perceptions .
30 So when are you bringing him home to meet us ? ’
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