Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
2 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
3 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
4 If we are able to make use of the track in the way specified I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know what the cost will be .
5 Shall I make you a drink would you like a tea or coffee ?
6 ‘ My main thought was if I offer him my car how will I get to work tomorrow , and also if I give him the car will I be able to collect the insurance ?
7 er As I understand it the cost will be offset by the National Asthma Campaign .
8 I would have left had I not seen he was wearing something I had n't seen on him before , and had to ask him about it , certain I knew what the answer would be .
9 I knew what the creature would look like without its disguise …
10 I inquired of my officials — those officials who are supposed to have such total control over everything I do what the experience would be of the new scheme during the current financial year .
11 I wonder what the press will do about this matter in the next few days .
12 I wonder what the saint would have made of it ?
13 I did everything a sister could .
14 I wondered what the reaction would be , if any .
15 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
16 And yet there was a part of her which longed to get to the bottom of this complex man , an instinct perhaps which told her the quest would be a worthwhile one .
17 Each unit of First Class deals with a particular topic and language area and provides a balance of language skills which reflects what the trainee will need a career in tourism .
18 In addition , each cell must have a set of instructions — possibly analogous to genetic information — which lists what every cell must do in every position .
19 ‘ Under the shadow of the very great crisis ’ , Lyle argued at the North West Ham Conservative Club , ‘ nobody knew what the result might have been ’ :
20 a statement of OUTCOMES — which explains what a candidate should achieve in terms of practical or cognitive skills and knowledge ;
21 He sort of was a bit you got him a bit could n't say .
22 How do you know what the market will bear ?
23 Do you know what the alternative would be ?
24 Arriving at the School with Jasper and Bienvida in a borrowed beat-up Ford van , its roofrack loaded with launderette bags of clothes and its inside with her sticks of furniture ( sticks was the word ) , she told him the advertisement would only attract riff-raff .
25 She seems to think that , just because she fancies me the feeling should be mutual ! ’
26 When defining a dynamic variable you describe what the variable can look like in the Type section .
27 ‘ Have you thought what the atmosphere will be like once the building starts ? ’
28 And that they , two people , you know somebody every week will collect in all the languages books and take them along er , or the language homework and take them along to their language teacher and the other one will take the history le , homework and take them on to the history teacher , and then they go off to assembly alright ?
29 I ca n't say what it would 've been , you know what the outcome would 've been but it would 've been different .
30 She warned them the rock would tumble into the lake before preparations could be completed for dynamiting it .
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