Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 Eventually he decided to give them their marching orders , and one spring , just before the birds were due to arrive , he nailed wire netting and a large dustbin bag along the eaves to stop them building their nests in the usual place .
2 If Quaid 's role seems contrived and the film betrays signs of forced editing in the abrupt , jerky resolution of an expansive but slackly focused narrative , COME SEE THE PARADISE has notable compensations : convincing performances from an unknown cast ( some of whom passed their childhood in the camps ) , a sharp sense of the sometimes bizarre and humorous manifestations of cultural miscegenation and a detailed evocation of period and locale .
3 Because how does Philip know that in five years ' time , I 'm not going to ring him up and say , hey you know when you recommended me to invest my money in the Japanese fund , well it 's just gone through the bottom of the market .
4 A scrip alternative , if offered to ordinary shareholders , will enable them to increase their shareholdings in the Company without incurring dealing costs and , to the extent that ordinary shareholders elect to take new ordinary shares instead of cash , there will be enhanced cash flow and increased liquidity to the Company .
5 The obvious advantage is that they provide sack-loads of fun and laughter , and the disadvantage is that you sometimes have to wait three hours for them to find their boots in the morning and finish flossing their teeth .
6 ‘ Wilhelm wo n't speak to me since I chucked his Filofax in the jacuzzi .
7 When it became clear that he had nothing to tell me , I made my exit in the face of dismissive politeness .
8 The situation had become embarrassing , so I laid my rod in the rest , with the hook hanging from the butt-ring , and tied on my mate 's hook for him .
9 I met his wife in the village shop and she was very concerned about him . ’
10 I got my chance in the national side when injuries put me into the match against Romania in Bucharest three years ago .
11 In another case , headlined as ‘ The Alleged Hooligan Tragedy ’ , a man died after a street-fight and it was reported that on arrival at hospital he had made a statement to the effect that , ‘ I got my injuries in the Borough through being kicked to death by Hooligans . ’
12 I found our colonel in the phone book ; I remembered old Marks say he thought they might be a Cornish family .
13 But I have been divorced 30 years and know I 'd feel the same as the man who was jailed if I found my wife in the arms of someone else .
14 While walking the Pennine Way I cooled my feet in the beck before continuing south to Airton and Gargrave .
15 And all I ken was that we got word that there was to be a school trip and that we were leaving I forget what tie in the morning , and going down to see the German ships .
16 Two days later , I approached his office in the NME 's bunker in Carnaby Street with a mixture of excitement and trepidation .
17 I jerked my head in the direction of the mountain above us .
18 I learnt their use in the early 1970s from Dr P B L Muldoon , physician at the North Staffordshire Hospital Centre , and have personally used them since 1974–5 .
19 ‘ Mummy , ’ Matilda said , ‘ would you mind if I ate my supper in the dining-room so I could read my book ? ’
20 Take time to say , ‘ How can I present my organization in the best light ? okay We 've made a mistake . ’
21 So I put her bicycle in the boot of my car and got here just after nine .
22 I sat on the quay with my hands down beside me and my fingers over the edge as I put my feet in the boat , ready to get in .
23 I put my hand in the water trickling down the rock and put it on to Zoe .
24 When I put my hands in the pockets I felt bank-notes .
25 So I put my key in the door and went in more or less as I was .
26 If I put my camera in the front
27 I tensed my body in the kiosk .
28 I took a shorter way than Sapt and when I reached the moat , I hid my horse in the trees , tied my rope round a strong tree and let myself down into the water .
29 I had to make haste now or I would be late , so I threw my kit in the back of the Porsche , threaded my way through the traffic on the Kingston By-pass and then put my foot down on the M3 , keeping a wary eye open for the police .
30 It 's funny , when I read your notice in the magazine , I turned the page and I thought , wait a minute , I 'm a teenage mother .
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