Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There were plenty of other jobs for them to go to if they wanted to .
2 Do n't get me wrong , I like flashy bass playing and it would be wrong for me to sound as if I did n't approve ; it 's just that these kind of situations are always a trade-off .
3 By then large drops were falling all around me , another landing on my wig and one splashing on my shoulder , making me jump as if I 'd been prodded with a therm-knife .
4 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
5 Often I stay longer in the shop than I mean to because it smells so good .
6 There were very few human beings I cared for and I cared nothing for cactuses .
7 Now I have always been very particular whom I sleep with and I did n't like sharing my room with a possible murderer .
8 It does n't really want to and I find it difficult to believe and I 'm not sure I want to because I feel so fucking drained and sore , but the thing 's actually responding , fattening and firming and rising in her kneading , soap-slick hands .
9 When Maria knocked on the door at half past five I woke as if I had a hangover .
10 Well no , what do I do about if I get given a detention ?
11 I look as if I 've made an about-turn but in terms of simple logistics it 's getting itself out of all proportion . ’
12 When I sit down they billow up in front of me and I look as if I 've got a water melon under there .
13 Two inches on my hair and I look as if I 've had my face thinned and people start speaking in hushed voices in my presence .
14 At the moment I look as if someone has slashed wildly at me with a knife .
15 I know I 'm too thin , I do n't like what I look like and I 've been told if I lose any more weight I 'll have to give up work and be admitted to hospital .
16 Well , in comes Alf , with 'is belly full of old and mild as usual , and asks me why do I look as if I 'd lost a pound and found thruppence .
17 It were only quarter past one and I finished at and I felt really
18 And the singing of birds I had heard a thousand times , thrushes , blackbirds in our London garden , I heard as if I had never heard them before .
19 I feel as if we failed that man somewhere , ’ she said a little later as together with David and Martin Foulds she watched the ambulance leave the factory .
20 ‘ Julian and I feel as if we 've always lived here .
21 I feel as if you 've given me a gift I 'm completely unworthy of .
22 I feel as if I 've been given knock-out drops .
23 I now have good career prospects but I feel as if I 've lost my soul
24 " Lord , I feel as if I 've been living with this case for ever ! "
25 " Do you know , I feel as if I 've been asleep .
26 Oh I never caught it , right enough , but I feel as if I 've caught it now .
27 I feel as if I 've been whisked away to another world , ’ she breathed , her face radiant .
28 Then I bought , yeah , I said I feel as if I 've gone deaf you know what I mean , cos there 's no
29 It feels , feels it , I feel as if I 've got something in my eye all the time .
30 And er I feel I 've been wearing one for about twenty five years and I feel a lot better , I feel I feel as if I look good in a wig .
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