Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [adj] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 I mean after all these years here I mean you ca n't well that 's
2 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
3 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
4 I smoked for twenty seven years , and erm I 'm getting on to a year now since I stopped smoking and I feel a lot calmer , I hated being a victim to cigarettes !
5 I stayed for eight more years , for the last two as a teacher .
6 The shock of BP Oil 's poor performance in 1992 , which came after four good years , prompted BP Oil 's top management to ask some uncomfortable questions .
7 Mr Moynihan blamed his defeat on the ‘ collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote , which came from Labour some years ago and has to some extent returned there ’ .
8 The historical texts were confined to enumerating the kings who lived in those troubled years and do not give any indication that something important was occurring at that time .
9 Reacting to him physically , just as she used to all those years ago .
10 It was among the first buildings in France to be listed as in need of help , even if none came for some fifteen years .
11 The tax year runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year , so the amount of tax you pay in any one year is calculated on the income you receive ( or are deemed to have received ) between these two dates .
12 COPIOUS helpings of greens were available but Nescafe was off the menu on Wednesday at the first Caroline Walker awards ceremony , in memory of the campaigning nutritionist who died aged 38 last year .
13 Method A assumes that women who leave in any one year will produce a×b children a year thereafter , where a=average number of children born in Seascale per year and b=the migration rate .
14 Edward Kawak , who won in four successive years ( 1982-1985 ) , mysteriously representing France , Lebanon and West Germany , was too close for comfort in second place ( he was French this time ) .
15 Her head was bobbing up and down now , and Peggy , smiling wanly , nodded in return , saying , ‘ Well , I ca n't remember what you did in those early years , Gran , but I remember how you used to bounce me on your knees in time with ‘ To ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross ’ . ’
16 Air Vice Marshal J Morris recently assumed the Presidency of the Scottish Area from Group Captain G P Marvin who retired after some 32 years as the Area President .
17 you need to this first year and it gets you up to that level
18 Now for all those reasons madame speaker , this these orders er er today are inadequate , too little , too late , we ca n't vote against them , much as the the member who preceded me seemed inclined to vote against them and I wish that he had the g er the guts of 'is cu the courage of his convictions er he should vote against them , er we on this side are far more responsible er than that because to vote against them er might be an indication that we 're as much in frau in favour of fraud as members on the other side of the house , er we 're not in favour of fraud , we welcome any progress to detection of fraud , even progress that we asked for five eight years ago when the relevant legislation was passed .
19 We argued for those seven years on the pitch , at half-time , and at the end of the game .
20 What might we see in another five year 's time ?
21 , it 's the one we had for many many years !
22 They began about 55 million years ago and now live everywhere from desert to rainforest .
23 So ‘ fit ’ and so well adapted were they , and so successfully did they dominate their terrestrial environment , that they survived for 140 million years .
24 By contrast it costs about $600,000 to keep someone in prison for life if they live for another 40 years .
25 Thus by a year the dicentric lesions have been lost from the CD45R0 subset , whereas they persist to some 10 years in the CD45RA subset .
26 They continued for some five years a guerilla war against the employers .
27 They stayed for four hundred years , and left plenty to record their occupation .
28 Although he lived for eleven more years , he did not stand again .
29 He lived for another four years while his empire lapsed into chaos .
30 Grayling reckons that he has about another two years of research to do before he can come up with a conclusive report .
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